simonw11 commented on the word larrikin
cheeky bugger
July 10, 2009
simonw11 commented on the word skelfy
from skelf a splinter in the flesh or a small annoying person.
May 21, 2009
simonw11 commented on the word teabagging
The town has been quiet since the Hardy boys tried to teabag a werewolf.
simonw11 commented on the word onforwarding
an ugly australian word.
May 26, 2008
simonw11 commented on the word espièglerie
Mischievousness, Mischievous act
February 8, 2007
simonw11 commented on the word aporetically
from aporia to express doubts about a question.
You understand what that means? maybe.
February 6, 2007
simonw11 commented on the word prolegomena
a preliminary discussion, an introduction.
February 4, 2007
simonw11 commented on the word outlier
In statistics, an outlier is a single observation "far away" from the rest of the data.
February 3, 2007
simonw11 commented on the word wingnuttery
americanism as in right-wing nuttery (and presumably left-wing nuttery, but they don't seem very evident over there.}
January 15, 2007
simonw11 commented on the word lexiphanic
Using bombastic or pretentious language.
January 8, 2007
simonw11 commented on the word lexiphanic - of people who use bombastic or pretentious language.
using bombastic or pretentious language.
simonw11 commented on the word carmagnole
a song and wild dance of the reign of terror.
January 6, 2007
simonw11 commented on the list simonw11-s-words
americanism indulge in self important empty talk.
December 30, 2006
empty boasting, and self-agrandisment
Americanism unsavoriy, sleazy.
Like a splinter in the flesh, a small annoying person.
simonw11 commented on the user simonw11
words I had to look up.
Comments by simonw11
simonw11 commented on the word larrikin
cheeky bugger
July 10, 2009
simonw11 commented on the word skelfy
from skelf a splinter in the flesh or a small annoying person.
May 21, 2009
simonw11 commented on the word teabagging
The town has been quiet since the Hardy boys tried to teabag a werewolf.
May 21, 2009
simonw11 commented on the word onforwarding
an ugly australian word.
May 26, 2008
simonw11 commented on the word espièglerie
Mischievousness, Mischievous act
February 8, 2007
simonw11 commented on the word aporetically
from aporia to express doubts about a question.
You understand what that means? maybe.
February 6, 2007
simonw11 commented on the word prolegomena
a preliminary discussion, an introduction.
February 4, 2007
simonw11 commented on the word outlier
In statistics, an outlier is a single observation "far away" from the rest of the data.
February 3, 2007
simonw11 commented on the word wingnuttery
americanism as in right-wing nuttery (and presumably left-wing nuttery, but they don't seem very evident over there.}
January 15, 2007
simonw11 commented on the word lexiphanic
Using bombastic or pretentious language.
January 8, 2007
simonw11 commented on the word lexiphanic - of people who use bombastic or pretentious language.
using bombastic or pretentious language.
January 8, 2007
simonw11 commented on the word carmagnole
a song and wild dance of the reign of terror.
January 6, 2007
simonw11 commented on the list simonw11-s-words
americanism indulge in self important empty talk.
December 30, 2006
simonw11 commented on the list simonw11-s-words
empty boasting, and self-agrandisment
December 30, 2006
simonw11 commented on the list simonw11-s-words
Americanism unsavoriy, sleazy.
December 30, 2006
simonw11 commented on the list simonw11-s-words
Like a splinter in the flesh, a small annoying person.
December 30, 2006
simonw11 commented on the user simonw11
words I had to look up.
December 30, 2006