Despite the many convincing arguments for ain't as a contraction for 'I am not', I find myself cringing at the thought of it becoming a universally accepted part of the English language. Perhaps that is because it evokes images of illiterate hillbillies and other uneducated classes of society. Unfortunately, it is those very people who drive the change in language. Misuse of words and slang become commonplace and eventually wind up in the dictionary, thus language evolves. I guess I have to live with it but liking it is, to quote another of my pet peeves "a whole nother thing"!
Comments by singlestar
singlestar commented on the word ain't
Despite the many convincing arguments for ain't as a contraction for 'I am not', I find myself cringing at the thought of it becoming a universally accepted part of the English language. Perhaps that is because it evokes images of illiterate hillbillies and other uneducated classes of society. Unfortunately, it is those very people who drive the change in language. Misuse of words and slang become commonplace and eventually wind up in the dictionary, thus language evolves. I guess I have to live with it but liking it is, to quote another of my pet peeves "a whole nother thing"!
May 20, 2009