sirpent commented on the word true virgins make dull companions
Correction to oroboros' comment:
This formula converts True Course to Compass Course. Magnetic course is the middle step (TV*M*DC)
(T)rue course +/- magnetic(V)ariation = (M)agnetic course
(M)agnetic course +/- compass(D)eviation = (C)ompass course
February 20, 2009
Comments by sirpent
sirpent commented on the word true virgins make dull companions
Correction to oroboros' comment:
This formula converts True Course to Compass Course. Magnetic course is the middle step (TV*M*DC)
(T)rue course +/- magnetic(V)ariation = (M)agnetic course
(M)agnetic course +/- compass(D)eviation = (C)ompass course
February 20, 2009