slh commented on the word specious
Main Entry: spe·cious
Pronunciation: \ˈspē-shəs\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, visually pleasing, from Latin speciosus beautiful, plausible, from species
Date: 1513
1obsolete : showy
2: having deceptive attraction or allure
3: having a false look of truth or genuineness : sophistic
— spe·cious·ly adverb
— spe·cious·ness noun
May 15, 2009
slh commented on the word vexatious
Main Entry: vex·a·tious
Pronunciation: \-shəs\
Date: 1534
1 a: causing vexation : distressing b: intended to harass 2: full of disorder or stress : troubled — vex·a·tious·ly adverb — vex·a·tious·ness noun
2: full of disorder or stress : troubled — vex·a·tious·ly adverb — vex·a·tious·ness noun
— vex·a·tious·ly adverb
— vex·a·tious·ness noun
Comments by slh
slh commented on the word specious
Main Entry: spe·cious
Pronunciation: \ˈspē-shəs\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, visually pleasing, from Latin speciosus beautiful, plausible, from species
Date: 1513
1obsolete : showy
2: having deceptive attraction or allure
3: having a false look of truth or genuineness : sophistic
— spe·cious·ly adverb
— spe·cious·ness noun
May 15, 2009
slh commented on the word vexatious
Main Entry: vex·a·tious
Pronunciation: \-shəs\
Function: adjective
Date: 1534
1 a: causing vexation : distressing b: intended to harass
2: full of disorder or stress : troubled
— vex·a·tious·ly adverb
— vex·a·tious·ness noun
May 15, 2009