Contrast medium (which shows up on an x-ray) is injected through the neck of the uterus, and observed to see if it escapes from the ends of the fallopian tubes. Used to check for tubal patency in infertility investigation.
"There are 10^11 stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge number. But it's only a hundred billion. It's less than the national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers. Now we should call them economical numbers." Richard Feynman.
From Ninja Words: n) : one who promotes his own cause; one who toots their own horn; a person standing outside a place of business trying to persuade patrons to enter, or vigourously trying to persuade customers to purchase a their wares (ie. a fruiterer calling out the price of bananas).
The wonderpus (wunderpus) octopus (Wunderpus photogenicus) is a species of octopus in the monotypic genus Wunderpus. It is found in shallow waters from Bali and Sulawesi north to the Philippines and east to Vanuatu. W. photogenicus is a long-armed species characterised by "small eyes on elongate stalks, a long, conical papilla over each eye and a dramatic and fixed colour pattern of white bars and spots over a brown-red background.".
"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president." Kurt Vonnegut, "Cold Turkey", In These Times, May 10, 2004, US novelist (1922 - 2007).
I was wondering about how homonyms fitted in with homophones. This is what Ninjawords says:
Homonym: "a word that sounds or is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning. (Homonyms are divided into the two overlapping subcategories homographs and homophones. Examples: die and dye (homophones but not homographs); the fish fluke and fluke, part of the tail of a whale (homophones and homographs); the metal lead and the verb form lead (homographs but not homophones.)"
I have always been interested in the idea that manufacturers build-in a feature of their products that will wear out, or become obsolescent in some other way, so that you will be encouraged to buy a replacement.
Comments by sonofgroucho
sonofgroucho commented on the word ok
A few comments here:
February 20, 2011
sonofgroucho commented on the word fashion
Came across this fashion word-related blog:
October 28, 2010
sonofgroucho commented on the list my-dick-in-your
Hilarious list!
August 8, 2010
sonofgroucho commented on the word cacosmia
Mentioned in a recent letter from an Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist.
August 8, 2010
sonofgroucho commented on the word macolyte
From Urban Dictionary: (n) One who is fanatically devoted to Apple products, esp. the Macintosh computer. Also known as a "Mac Zealot".
May 30, 2010
sonofgroucho commented on the word cyberchondriac
Don't dismiss 'cyberchondriacs'
February 26, 2010
sonofgroucho commented on the word iCantBelieveItsNotBetter
Possible name for the new Apple tablet.
January 28, 2010
sonofgroucho commented on the list iwhat
Inspired list!
January 28, 2010
sonofgroucho commented on the word scrogneugneu
Apparently means "a grumpy old man; a Scrooge".
November 24, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word jiggery pokery
Used this phrase today. Feel so much better for it.
October 30, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word mixed nuts
I agree.
September 27, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word poke
Poke is also a Hawaiian side dish.
July 31, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word pupu
My favourite pupu is (are?) poke rolls (just back from Honolulu).
July 31, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word freudian slip
AS shown here
July 3, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word bung-fu
Are you a Scotsman by any chance?
June 30, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word gastrosexual
June 25, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word vegan rage
I love this phrase!
June 25, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word gastrosexual
Is this not an awful word? For info.
June 25, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word tword
One of the many irritating "words" created by Twitter enthusiasts to describe phenomena associated with the site. See twitpocalypse etc
June 14, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word twitpocalypse
Yep, you're right on two counts, seanahan.
I detect a definite antagonism on your part to twords in general! :-D And maybe Twitter too?
June 14, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word twitpocalypse
None the wiser? From TechCrunch.
June 13, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word quaggy
Presumably related to quagmire?
June 3, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word dum spiro spero
May 31, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word turdiform
I laughed too.
May 18, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word tafoni
Hi bilby! That's what I thought too!
May 9, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word tafoni
May 9, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word cuddle
Nice quote, Prolagus.
May 4, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word tempus edax rerum
By Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso).
May 3, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word national accordion awareness month
I am already more aware of accordions than I want to be.
April 30, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word hysterosalpingography
Contrast medium (which shows up on an x-ray) is injected through the neck of the uterus, and observed to see if it escapes from the ends of the fallopian tubes. Used to check for tubal patency in infertility investigation.
April 25, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word gondoliering
Here's how it's done:
April 25, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word fake umbrage
And so on...
April 24, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word per angusta ad augusta
Through trial to triumph.
April 24, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word rape
April 17, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word echogenic sludge
See, for example, here.
April 16, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word world toilet organization
Who knew?
April 13, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word economical numbers
"There are 10^11 stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge number. But it's only a hundred billion. It's less than the national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers. Now we should call them economical numbers." Richard Feynman.
April 4, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word concision
Article about concision and Twitter.
April 2, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word twife
A life devoted to constant tweeting. See twitter.
April 2, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word guardian
What is life if you remove the waffle and bluster? Twife?
April 2, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word guardian
Yes we did notice the date, John...
April 2, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word bugs
Being asked to login repeatedly happening to me too today.
March 30, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word confetti
I stand corrected.
March 29, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word igitur qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum
The original Latin of the expression "if you want peace prepare for war" comes from "Epitoma Rei Militaris," by Vegetius.
March 29, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the list latin-is-fun
How about "Igitur qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum."?
March 29, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word vox populi
March 29, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word omnia vincit amor
"Omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus amori." IE "Love conquers all, and we too succumb to love." Virgil (70-19 BC).
March 29, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word vox populi
As in "Vox populi, vox dei." IE "The voice of the people is the voice of God." Alcuin (735-804).
March 29, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the list afghanistanbananastan
Still thinking...
March 28, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the list afghanistanbananastan
What a fabulous list. Must give it some thought...
March 28, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word mammacassistan
This is dedicated to the one I love....
March 28, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word spruiker
From Ninja Words: n) : one who promotes his own cause; one who toots their own horn; a person standing outside a place of business trying to persuade patrons to enter, or vigourously trying to persuade customers to purchase a their wares (ie. a fruiterer calling out the price of bananas).
March 23, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word dyer
That is brilliant!
March 20, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word takes the biscuit
I didn't realise how often I use this phrase! Posted in response to this from John.
March 20, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word cheesed off
Anybody know the origin of this expression?
March 20, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the list derogatory-terms-i-should-use-more-often
There are some crackers here!
March 16, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word italian hand gestures
These may come in handy when I visit Venice next month: some handier than others!
March 16, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word vinegarroon
I'm having one of these!
March 16, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word dreech
'Twould appear the proper spelling is "dreich". :-(
March 14, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word dreech
Scots term that usually refers to the weather: wet, miserable (like today's weather).
March 14, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word zombie banks
See also zombie bank!
March 13, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word a sizeable penis is good and tasty
OK, this is the most bizarre phrase, surely?
March 12, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the user chained_bear
Are these guys relatives of yours?
March 12, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word fail upwards
Probably better than failing downwards.
March 11, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word bohica syndrome
Business acronyms for today's troubled economy : the BOHICA syndrome (bend over, here it comes again).
March 11, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word jalopy
I agree this is a fabulous word.
March 9, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word zombie bank
I'm afraid there won't be much interest.
March 9, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word the imam prefers local pants only
As well he might...
March 9, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the list the-list-who-cried-wolof
This is a truly great, if somewhat baffling, list!
March 9, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word hoodlum
March 9, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word you gave her the fish
Here is the phone number of the local genitourinary medicine clinic.
March 9, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word that things looks like a python
If it looks like a python and it hisses like a python, it's a python.
March 9, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word lo and behold
If you're interested.
March 9, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word great recession
Thanks, John, for really cheering me up on a Monday morning!
March 9, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word quality
Pure, dead, brilliant!
March 9, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word i bought some shoes. they make me some trouble
I believe sneakers are particularly troublesome.
March 8, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word i am having three male sheep
Not all at the one time, surely?
March 8, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word squirrel fish
Here they are.
March 7, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the list that-s-not-a-banana
How about Roman nose?
March 6, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word wordie block
March 6, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word wunderpus photogenicus
Remarkably similar!
March 6, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word insomnia
How is this for extreme insomnia?
March 5, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word quantitative easing
I see the fun has started. We have entered the Twilight Zone!
March 5, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word barreleye fish
Quite bizarre in apperance.
March 5, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word wunderpus photogenicus
From Wikipedia:
The wonderpus (wunderpus) octopus (Wunderpus photogenicus) is a species of octopus in the monotypic genus Wunderpus. It is found in shallow waters from Bali and Sulawesi north to the Philippines and east to Vanuatu. W. photogenicus is a long-armed species characterised by "small eyes on elongate stalks, a long, conical papilla over each eye and a dramatic and fixed colour pattern of white bars and spots over a brown-red background.".
March 5, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word palindrome
A 224 word palindrome:
"Dammit I’m Mad"
Demetri Martin
Dammit I’m mad.
Evil is a deed as I live.
God, am I reviled? I rise, my bed on a sun, I melt.
To be not one man emanating is sad. I piss.
Alas, it is so late. Who stops to help?
Man, it is hot. I’m in it. I tell.
I am not a devil. I level “Mad Dog�?.
Ah, say burning is, as a deified gulp,
In my halo of a mired rum tin.
I erase many men. Oh, to be man, a sin.
Is evil in a clam? In a trap?
No. It is open. On it I was stuck.
Rats peed on hope. Elsewhere dips a web.
Be still if I fill its ebb.
Ew, a spider… eh?
We sleep. Oh no!
Deep, stark cuts saw it in one position.
Part animal, can I live? Sin is a name.
Both, one… my names are in it.
Murder? I’m a fool.
A hymn I plug, deified as a sign in ruby ash,
A Goddam level I lived at.
On mail let it in. I’m it.
Oh, sit in ample hot spots. Oh wet!
A loss it is alas (sip). I’d assign it a name.
Name not one bottle minus an ode by me:
“Sir, I deliver. I’m a dog�?
Evil is a deed as I live.
Dammit I’m mad.
March 4, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word wordie block
I am hopefully in recovery...
March 4, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the user sonofgroucho
Twitter has brought me back to Wordie after a long spell of "Wordie Block".
March 4, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word deleveraging
Thanks for adding to the "Financial Armaggedon" list, Bilby.
March 3, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word frauditing
Excellent word.
March 3, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word fred the shred
Watch him squirm.
March 2, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word me and you and a dog named boo
That's quite catchy, actually!
March 2, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word quantitative easing
Can I have more money, please?
March 2, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word zombie bank
Doesn't the current crisis throw up some lovely phrases?
March 2, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word rigamarole
How have I missed this one?
March 1, 2009
sonofgroucho commented on the word confidence
July 7, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word insomnia
I agree: quitting cheese is just not an option I will consider.
June 26, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word fartbreaker
This is hilarious.
June 26, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the list vonnegutian-nuggets-of-wisdom
Here is the man himself by himself.
May 19, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word dentures
-- from Son of Groucho - (?)
May 2, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word mutter
Excellent word.
April 1, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word binoculars
My wife got me a pair of these recently: very handy!
March 29, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word crown
"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."
March 27, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word clinchpoop
This is, indeed, a humdinger.
March 23, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word bollocks
This is such a satisfying word to say!
March 3, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word go with the flow chart
Nice one.
March 1, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word pretzel logic
Excellent album. I love Steely Dan.
February 29, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word politics
Here's another good one:
"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president." Kurt Vonnegut, "Cold Turkey", In These Times, May 10, 2004, US novelist (1922 - 2007).
February 27, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
That is intriguing. Two of my all-time favourites! Do tell us more...
February 27, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word horse
See also: "horse sense".
February 26, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word horse sense
"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people." W. C. Fields,US actor (1880 - 1946).
February 26, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word basket case
Does anybody know the origin of this expression?
February 25, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word felatio
February 25, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word felatio
I'm glad somebody else said that!
February 25, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word risk free verse
February 24, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word generation why worry
This is inspired. I think my son is a founder member!
February 24, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word chitterlings
People actually eat this?
February 23, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word noon
High Tech Noon:
February 23, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word napalm
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning." Apocalypse Now.
February 20, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word mumping villains
Sorry, you've lost me.
February 20, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word oedipus complex numbers
February 19, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word letter to america
Just remembered my mistake, gangerh. I was going to edit the comment, but you were too quick for me!
February 18, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word letter to america
You may have heard of the series of these by Alistair Cooke. The John Cleese version is much funnier!
February 18, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word homonym
I was wondering about how homonyms fitted in with homophones. This is what Ninjawords says:
Homonym: "a word that sounds or is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning. (Homonyms are divided into the two overlapping subcategories homographs and homophones. Examples: die and dye (homophones but not homographs); the fish fluke and fluke, part of the tail of a whale (homophones and homographs); the metal lead and the verb form lead (homographs but not homophones.)"
February 16, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word whym
Good question!
February 16, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word valentine's day
Here's Weird Al's contribution.
February 15, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word angels and lemons
February 14, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word the gall of the wild
It is rather good, isn't it!
February 14, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word trunnion
What a great word.
February 14, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word stumpy dick
Sounds like something you'd take to a genitourinary medicine clinic.
February 14, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word homophone
Here's a list of English Homophones.
February 14, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word tietze's syndrome
Here's the gen.
February 14, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word built-in obsolescence
I have always been interested in the idea that manufacturers build-in a feature of their products that will wear out, or become obsolescent in some other way, so that you will be encouraged to buy a replacement.
February 14, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word titty todger
Have a snide comment from me!
February 14, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word fragile
I love the Sting song called "Fragile".
February 13, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word drowned baby
What a lovely name!
February 13, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word the ass in the band-box
What a bizarre name!
February 13, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the list pubs
Fabulous list. There is a "spit and sawdust" pub in the east end of Glasgow called The Saracen's Head. I see it's not alone!
February 13, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word the olde naked man
What does the sign for this pub look like?
Just describe it: we don't want a picture!
February 13, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word sparkle
February 13, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word sparkle
I've just added sparkle to my list.
February 13, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word horsetail rush
We had these in the garden of a previous house. They are impossible to get rid of!
February 12, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word fardel
Do tell...
February 12, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word ostensibly
One of my few adverbs.
February 12, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word parody
Hilarious David Blaine parody: One or two sweary words here: don't watch if you're easily offended.
February 12, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word unclarity
I think it's a stinker.
February 12, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word daisy chain letter
Excellent! This sounds quite fun!
February 12, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word unclarity
This horrible word was used in a statement by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Yuk!
February 12, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word child, worried, husband, worried, parent, worried
Still worried...
February 12, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word intrigued
Why don't more people list this fabulous word? I'm intrigued....
February 12, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word comfort food
I am built for comfort rather than speed.
February 11, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word caroline
"Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond.
February 8, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word sweet caroline
"Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond.
February 8, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the list •open-list-your-life-in-6-words
True confessions, huh?
February 8, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word schtum
As in "keep schtum".
February 7, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word blair
Funnily enough, I can't find the definition 'unprincipled dickhead and shameless opportunist'.
See also new labour pain.
February 6, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the user treeseed
Sorry to take so long to say hello. I must compliment you on your contributions to the site.
February 5, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word cello
I love the sound of the cello.
February 5, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word venetian blind ambition
February 5, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word rhythm method acting
Not very reliable, but can be quite creative!
February 5, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word uzzle
Cute word!
February 5, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word bubble and squeak
I love bubble and squeak!
February 4, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word new labour pain
My version may be less severe but it is much more chronic!
February 4, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word new labour pain
Experienced by all those disillusioned by "New Labour" in the UK IE practically the entire population.
February 4, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word pubic hair shirt
The mind doth boggle!!!
February 4, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word fuliguline
To do with ducks. Synonym for anatine.
February 4, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word anatine
To do with ducks. Apparently fuliguline means the same.
February 4, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word moby duck
Techno music master of the anatine world.
February 4, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word prepone
Quite logical, really!
February 4, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word bluetooth
Yep, it's still fascinating!
February 4, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word metrosexual
Here are the aforementioned new glasses:
-- from Son of Groucho - (?)
What do you think?
February 4, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word cringeworthy
This is a great word---I had forgotten about it.
February 4, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word boomerang
It was a great show. I miss it terribly.
February 4, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word boomerang
Does anybody here remember The Magic Boomerang?
February 4, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word hammer, anvil and stirrup
aka malleus, incus and stapes.
February 4, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word rice krispie treat
My mum used to make these: magic!
February 3, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word belonephobia
Help may be at hand!
February 3, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word optimism
WeirdNet is trying to be all things to all people!
I love the first definition too, where it practically uses the word to define itself!
February 2, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word instamatic
The first camera I had was an instamatic! Here I am with it in its box.
February 1, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word hellebore
Here's a hellebore:
February 1, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word olecranon
More power to your elbow!
February 1, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word drug
Came across this list of Street Drug Slang: quite interesting!
January 31, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word quantum chromodynamics
January 31, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word quantum chromodynamics
Meaning (in simple terms)?
January 31, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word once flew over the cuckoo's nest
I love that film!
January 30, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word bushed
I believe this has recently also been used as a synonym for stupid for some reason (seriously).
January 30, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word bugs
Thanks VanishedOne. Your suggestion works for me too.
January 29, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the user hierophant
You have an interesting name. I only recently came across the word in a novel I am reading by Kate Atkinson. Hope you have a great time here!
January 29, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word hassle
Wouldn't life be wonderful if hassle could be abolished?
January 29, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word bugs
For some reason Wordie won't let me add Schrödinger's cat to any of my lists. How weird is that?
When you click on "add to your list" no drop-down menu appears. Any ideas, John? May be the apostrophe problem listed below.
January 29, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word seex
Hope you enjoyed it!
January 29, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word moonstone
Here's some moonstone:
January 29, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word rancid
There is something intrinsically unpleasant about this word!
January 29, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word soul
"What profiteth a man if he gaineth the whole world but loseth his soul?"
January 29, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word quackle
What is this? A small quack, perhaps? *Ducks*
January 28, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word mellow yellow fever
This is glorious!
January 28, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word periodic table manners
This is an intriguing one! "Pass the sodium chloride, please!" etc. perhaps?
January 28, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word haggersnash
Thanks, sionnach! These are fascinating links!
January 28, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word haggersnash
Where does this come from?
January 28, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word hogra
I've been suffering from this for years. Thanks for putting a name to it!
January 28, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word cross
"We all have our cross to bear."
January 28, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
Brilliant idea for a list. Must try to think of some!
January 28, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word backhander
An illicit payment. A bribe.
January 28, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word sudoku
January 28, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word mandelbrot set
Here's a visual explanation:
January 28, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word mongoose
January 27, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word joke
Thanks Treeseed! I just heard it today on the radio in a piece about joke-telling in suppressive political regimes.
January 26, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word work out
I've been trying to work out how I can lose 2 stones without dieting or exercising more.
I haven't worked it out yet...
January 26, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word joke
"Every joke is a tiny revolution." George Orwell.
January 26, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word spade
"Call a spade a spade."
January 26, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word citizen
Food for thought:
"Illegal aliens have always been a problem in the United States. Ask any Indian."
Robert Orben
January 26, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word druseless
January 26, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word druseless
Useless at drawing----like what I am.
That's why I love photography.
January 25, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word drawkward
A more extreme form could be druseless.
January 25, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word awkward
I'm definitely drawkward. Virtually druseless, in fact.
January 25, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word ambidextrous
January 25, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word newspeak
Newspeak was a brilliant concept. So much of what Orwell predicted seems familiar to me living in a 21st century so-called democracy.
January 25, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word turkish delight
Turkish delight is delightful.
January 24, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word repossession
January 24, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word ambidextrous
I'd give both arms to be ambidextrous.
January 24, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word dishonour
"Male parta, male dilabuntur." (What is dishonourably got is dishonourably squandered). Cicero, Philippics II, 27.
See also dishonor.
January 24, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word fandabidozi
I thought Christmas was the prime time for unwanted gifts!
January 24, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word chickadee
Here's a picture of one from my friend Kim---one of the best bird photographers on Flickr. I'm meeting her in Washington in April.
January 23, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the list bizarre-exclamations
Thanks, sionnach!
January 23, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word planetarium
There is a fabulous planetarium in the Rose Center for Earth and Space in New York:
January 23, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word ott
Over the top.
January 23, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word grommet
Not to be confused with Gromit.
January 23, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word levee
"When the levee breaks" Led Zeppelin, 1971.
January 23, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word bowels
"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken." Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658).
January 22, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word unflappable
I am not this, but would love to be!
January 22, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word d.i.v.o.r.c.e
You know the one.
January 22, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the list truly-awful-music
That is a stinker, Treeseed! Please feel free to add it to the list!
January 21, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word d.i.s.c.o
Listen if you dare!
January 21, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word snoopy and the red baron
It's an illness...
Some day there will be a cure!
January 21, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word snoopy and the red baron
Is this the one?
Quite catchy, actually! *he said, jokingly.*
January 21, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word seasons in the sun
We had joy, we had fun...
January 21, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word copacabana
That is, indeed, a delicious insult!
January 21, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word copacabana
Barry Manilow is the spawn of the Devil.
January 21, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word copacabana
Well you may blush!
January 21, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word goody
Also opposite of baddy.
January 21, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word baddy
As opposed to goody?
January 21, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word catch a falling star
Yep, this one's a baddy!
January 21, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word mandy
See also Copacabana.
January 21, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word copacabana
I suppose you like "Mandy" too, you sick individual!
January 21, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word copacabana
You know the one.
January 20, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word timothy
Now I see what you mean!
January 20, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word shaddup you face
By Joe Dolce, in case you didn't know!
January 20, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word timothy
How does this one go?
January 20, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word girl from ipanema
I like the girl from Ipanema!
The song is rubbish, though!
January 20, 2008
sonofgroucho commented on the word lady of spain
...I adore you.
January 20, 2008
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