lamarckism- theory that characteristics aquired by havit, use, or disuse, may be passed on to future generations through inheritance. Changes in the environment cause changes in habits that are passed through generations. a kind of organic evolution
these are words that have been translated from piano practiced in the late afternoon, heard on the walk home from school. They are comforting and beautiful to children.
The book provides well artued demonstratins that Jesus uniquely possessed those soterial characteristics that the era had hoped the messiah-savior would........
citation, .....they were aware of clathrates, naturally occurring cagelike clusters of atoms that trap other atoms within them.5-Aug-08,NYTimes Science,p. D4,A Problem of Bubbles Frames an Olympic Design.
Comments by sratsrat
sratsrat commented on the word lamarckian
lamarckism- theory that characteristics aquired by havit, use, or disuse, may be passed on to future generations through inheritance. Changes in the environment cause changes in habits that are passed through generations. a kind of organic evolution
August 20, 2009
sratsrat commented on the word harriet ratchye's words
these are words that have been translated from piano practiced in the late afternoon, heard on the walk home from school. They are comforting and beautiful to children.
August 20, 2009
sratsrat commented on the word soterial
The book provides well artued demonstratins that Jesus uniquely possessed those soterial characteristics that the era had hoped the messiah-savior would........
July 31, 2009
sratsrat commented on the word soterial
pertaining to salvation, Soteriology, a theological study of salvation.
World Saviors and Messiahs of the Roman Empire, 28 BCE-135CE: The Soterial Age, Kearny, Milo, and Zeitz, James
July 31, 2009
sratsrat commented on the word soterial
read it in a book.
July 31, 2009
sratsrat commented on the word ventrolateral
relating to both, on the front and the side
July 31, 2009
sratsrat commented on the word plantagenet
Richard Plantagenet is a character in War of the Roses in Richard III
July 31, 2009
sratsrat commented on the word holotype
I must have first read this in Darwin, J. Browne's biography.
July 31, 2009
sratsrat commented on the word anastomosis
the bird's nest building in China, built for the Olympics 2008, used this form of joining parts to build the structure.
June 17, 2009
sratsrat commented on the word whelm
I have always used whelm. If one needs to say more she can say floored.
February 3, 2009
sratsrat commented on the word dehiscence
During a rainy winter, I witness the dehiscence of oak root fungus beneath my trees. I fear that it portends a doom of some sort.
February 3, 2009
sratsrat commented on the word fleischerei
German word for butchers
August 7, 2008
sratsrat commented on the word clathrate
citation, .....they were aware of clathrates, naturally occurring cagelike clusters of atoms that trap other atoms within them.5-Aug-08,NYTimes Science,p. D4,A Problem of Bubbles Frames an Olympic Design.
August 7, 2008
sratsrat commented on the word byzantine
can I get a time-frame?, when was the Byzantine Empire?
June 20, 2008
sratsrat commented on the word labile
first encountered in Goya, a biography by Robert Hughes, (2008)
February 16, 2008
sratsrat commented on the word frenj
self created word,verb. To take food from another's plate without asking and to eat from a serving bowl with one's own cutlery.
August 21, 2007
sratsrat commented on the word cheezikle
self-created word, Cheezikle, origin, combination of cheese and a popsicle. adj., unpleasant, revolting, disgusting.
January 2, 2007
sratsrat commented on the word opalexpressivate
self-created word, verb, opalexpressivate means to dominate a conversation with brilliant and fascinating ideas on many topics.
January 2, 2007