"The unfolding of something abstract runs alongside an idea of music as plenipotentiary for emotion" - from the sleeve notes to the album Towards The Blessed Islands by cellist Oliver Coates.
Michael Azerrad, witing in 'Our Band Could Be Your Life' described the voice of Sonic Youth's Kim Gordon as "a sort of insouciantholler, like a kid calling to her friends about something great she'd found but trying not to seem too excited about it".
"Music floats round in the aether of theWorldWide Web" says David Toop in his book 'Ocean of Sound' which is subtitled aether talk, ambient sound and imaginary worlds.
Comments by steerpike
steerpike commented on the word plenipotentiary
Lines from 'Pigeons' by Bill Callahan:
"when I see people about to marry
I become something of a plenipotentiary
I just think it's good as you probably can tell."
August 2, 2020
steerpike commented on the word plenipotentiary
"The unfolding of something abstract runs alongside an idea of music as plenipotentiary for emotion" - from the sleeve notes to the album Towards The Blessed Islands by cellist Oliver Coates.
December 27, 2013
steerpike commented on the word miscegenation
"I want authentic island cooking, even though I know that any cuisine is a miscegenation" , from Names For The Sea by Sarah Moss.
December 1, 2013
steerpike commented on the word insouciant
Michael Azerrad, witing in 'Our Band Could Be Your Life' described the voice of Sonic Youth's Kim Gordon as "a sort of insouciant holler, like a kid calling to her friends about something great she'd found but trying not to seem too excited about it".
August 20, 2013
steerpike commented on the word contingency
In his novel 'Nemesis', Philip Roth describes chance as "the tyranny of contingency".
January 24, 2013
steerpike commented on the word aether
"Music floats round in the aether of theWorldWide Web" says David Toop in his book 'Ocean of Sound' which is subtitled aether talk, ambient sound and imaginary worlds.
December 19, 2009