I found wordnik via the terrific TED talk from Erin McKean. A couple of years ago my students (6th grade) created the portmanteau fistumba: noun/verb - definition = the resulting pain/injury from fist-bumping (fist-bashing) too hard. Derived from fist + zumba (active fast movement/dance). We have been working to get this word into our everyday language. Even called Martha and Grant at Way With Words! Hoping you will add it to wordnik.
Comments by steinatdavis
SteinatDavis commented on the word fistumba
I found wordnik via the terrific TED talk from Erin McKean. A couple of years ago my students (6th grade) created the portmanteau fistumba: noun/verb - definition = the resulting pain/injury from fist-bumping (fist-bashing) too hard. Derived from fist + zumba (active fast movement/dance). We have been working to get this word into our everyday language. Even called Martha and Grant at Way With Words! Hoping you will add it to wordnik.
May 8, 2016