stevewk commented on the word als362
Creepy + delicious fusion
July 16, 2009
stevewk commented on the word Coccodrilli
An impotent dipshit
July 15, 2009
stevewk commented on the word asswipe
The first 'cousin' to an asshole!
stevewk commented on the word mscmd
When one is getting 'burned out' or annoyed from hearing too many Michael Jackson stories in the news!
stevewk commented on the word Cépage
The pejorative version of the ex-Illinois governor (Blagojevich)
stevewk commented on the word Jitin
A more socially acceptible version of 'bulls**t'
Getting a thrill or enjoyment from either watching or reading about a creepy activity.
Comments by stevewk
stevewk commented on the word als362
Creepy + delicious fusion
July 16, 2009
stevewk commented on the word Coccodrilli
An impotent dipshit
July 15, 2009
stevewk commented on the word asswipe
The first 'cousin' to an asshole!
July 15, 2009
stevewk commented on the word mscmd
When one is getting 'burned out' or annoyed from hearing too many Michael Jackson stories in the news!
July 15, 2009
stevewk commented on the word Cépage
The pejorative version of the ex-Illinois governor (Blagojevich)
July 15, 2009
stevewk commented on the word Jitin
A more socially acceptible version of 'bulls**t'
July 15, 2009
stevewk commented on the word als362
Getting a thrill or enjoyment from either watching or reading about a creepy activity.
July 15, 2009