this is just another vote for the option to, when browsing and come upon a delightful word, click to add it to your list. i know you said you're working on it. :-)
also, this site ROCKS. i mean, the idea as well as the implementation. when i first came here i didn't think i would get into it but, um, i've been here almost 45 minutes already.
Comments by super-heather
super-heather commented on the list ashley-s-words
dude, you need more words. but at least you have some good ones. ;-)
July 5, 2007
super-heather commented on the word requisite
i can't believe this is my 159th word, when i say it all the bloody time. it's requisite! :)
December 29, 2006
super-heather commented on the word beryllium
best in spherical form.
December 29, 2006
super-heather commented on the word cuntificate
i don't know how peacoat listed it first then, but nice work, colleen! love it.
December 14, 2006
super-heather commented on the word truthiness
colbert/stewart 2008!
December 14, 2006
super-heather commented on the word neologism
and my favorite new word: wordie!
December 9, 2006
super-heather commented on the user john
john, you're amazing, i can't believe this feature is up already!! excellence!
December 3, 2006
super-heather commented on the user super-heather
December 3, 2006
super-heather commented on the user john
also it would be nice to be able to mark people as friends, list them on your profile (a la flickr).
December 2, 2006
super-heather commented on the user john
this is just another vote for the option to, when browsing and come upon a delightful word, click to add it to your list. i know you said you're working on it. :-)
also, this site ROCKS. i mean, the idea as well as the implementation. when i first came here i didn't think i would get into it but, um, i've been here almost 45 minutes already.
December 2, 2006
super-heather commented on the list colleen-s-words
thanks for turning me on to widdershins. excellence.
December 2, 2006
super-heather commented on the list die6die-s-words
thanks for including that word in your list. i'd never heard of it, and i'm ever so grateful to now have that word in my noggin. =)
December 2, 2006