susanm commented on the word 5 by 5
Excellent signal strength and clarity
August 20, 2009
susanm commented on the word om
Old man, opposite of XLY
susanm commented on the word qrn
susanm commented on the word qsl
Acknowledge receipt of message
susanm commented on the word 88s
Hugs and kisses, as a sign off.
susanm commented on the word 73s
Best wishes, as a sign off
susanm commented on the word cq
Call for contact, typically repeated three times.
susanm commented on the word shabbes goy
(n) a non-Jewish person hired by observant Jews to perform tasks that are forbidden on Sabbath, such as turning on lights or adjusting the air conditioning.
April 7, 2009
susanm commented on the word schmuck
Um, not to be rude, but schmuck is the Yiddish word for penis.
Comments by susanm
susanm commented on the word 5 by 5
Excellent signal strength and clarity
August 20, 2009
susanm commented on the word om
Old man, opposite of XLY
August 20, 2009
susanm commented on the word qrn
August 20, 2009
susanm commented on the word qsl
Acknowledge receipt of message
August 20, 2009
susanm commented on the word 88s
Hugs and kisses, as a sign off.
August 20, 2009
susanm commented on the word 73s
Best wishes, as a sign off
August 20, 2009
susanm commented on the word cq
Call for contact, typically repeated three times.
August 20, 2009
susanm commented on the word shabbes goy
(n) a non-Jewish person hired by observant Jews to perform tasks that are forbidden on Sabbath, such as turning on lights or adjusting the air conditioning.
April 7, 2009
susanm commented on the word schmuck
Um, not to be rude, but schmuck is the Yiddish word for penis.
April 7, 2009