t1c1 commented on the word myriad
"The noun myriad has appeared in the works of such writers as Milton (plural myriads) and Thoreau (a myriad of)..."
December 9, 2012
t1c1 commented on the list americanism--1
two cents is an Americanism.
April 17, 2012
t1c1 commented on the word finest
finest is an Americanism originating from best in the late 19th century
t1c1 commented on the word jaspe
See jaspé: A fabric with an arrangement of fine stripes formed by light, medium, and dark shades of a given color.
August 18, 2011
Comments by t1c1
t1c1 commented on the word myriad
"The noun myriad has appeared in the works of such writers as Milton (plural myriads) and Thoreau (a myriad of)..."
December 9, 2012
t1c1 commented on the list americanism--1
two cents is an Americanism.
April 17, 2012
t1c1 commented on the word finest
finest is an Americanism originating from best in the late 19th century
April 17, 2012
t1c1 commented on the word jaspe
See jaspé: A fabric with an arrangement of fine stripes formed by light, medium, and dark shades of a given color.
August 18, 2011