"Cogredience means the identity of perceived space through time" "In present-day physics this space-time structure is still used to co-ordinte measurements. It is represented by two perpendicular axes. One axis is the time axis, the other axis represents the three dimensions of space. In Whitehead terminology such a structure is called cogredient" (Chris von Haeften. Metaphysics of Extensive Time.)
Comments by takuscanscan
Takuscanscan commented on the word cogredience
"Cogredience means the identity of perceived space through time" "In present-day physics this space-time structure is still used to co-ordinte measurements. It is represented by two perpendicular axes. One axis is the time axis, the other axis represents the three dimensions of space. In Whitehead terminology such a structure is called cogredient" (Chris von Haeften. Metaphysics of Extensive Time.)
October 5, 2010