Often employers are driven by Law and its acts and regulations. Fiduciary responsibility also enters into that equation. So the organisation has to do its due diligence. While proper form would indicate training directed at compliance would simple lip service in the form of berating and controlling workers through interviews and evaluations about nonsensical goals be called due DIKIGENCE?
Comments by terryp
terryp commented on the list useful-words-and-phrases
There are some dandies here: http://www.eatliver.com/funny-new-words/#more-8482
February 9, 2016
terryp commented on the word neologism
Often employers are driven by Law and its acts and regulations. Fiduciary responsibility also enters into that equation. So the organisation has to do its due diligence. While proper form would indicate training directed at compliance would simple lip service in the form of berating and controlling workers through interviews and evaluations about nonsensical goals be called due DIKIGENCE?
November 18, 2015
terryp commented on the user terryp
You have become a force for change! Hip hip hooray!
dictionary.com says:
There are no results for: waldeinsamkeit, but we are adding new words daily.
That's a German phrase/word for the feeling of being alone in the woods.
November 2, 2015