An almost obscene word at the airport. If the airport you work at is located relatively close to a major hub, you are in danger of receiving diversions every time there is bad weather: runways being closed or backed up at the hub, a plane might circle, waiting to land, until it runs dangerously low on fuel, at which point it will be sent to a different airport to land, take on fuel, and take off again until it can land at the hub. An incredible aggravation to a busy ground crew, especially considering that usually in such situations we aren't experiencing any better weather than the hub is.
When you shit on an airplane, it goes into a little tank that must be emptied every time the plane lands. The tank is filled with blue juice, which most people find disgusting by association but in fact is just water plus color plus deodorant, to keep the plane from smelling like shit. Ramp employees dump the lavs from the outside while the plane is on the ground. Can you imagine flushing a toilet situated above your head? A special lav truck is used to connect hoses to the outlets and collect waste in a tank, but care must be taken to attach the hoses securely, or the unfortunate employee will be subject to a blue shower, or, unspeakably worse, a brown shower...
A jet engine doesn't have a reverse gear, of course... so when a plane is parked at gate, we need to use a tractor to push it backwards and away before the captain can start the engines and taxi away. This tractor, rather imaginatively, is known as a pushback. (It is connected to the nose gear of the plane by a towbar and a wire for the interphone.)
Ah poor bird. Once in a while we get a plane with a big mess of blood and feathers on the nose or front end of a wing. Then we have to report it to the mechanics so they can check and make sure nothing's dented and the plane is still good to fly.
A very interesting piece of machinery, used to start a jet engine of which the APU (air pressure unit, more or less a starter for a jet engine which can also be used through a converter to power onboard lights and equipment) does not work (happens more often than you might think): basically a massive air compressor with a big hose which gets stuck into the side of the plane to blow a lot of air through the engine till it starts. Loud as hell (or pandemonium as the cool kids call it)
The ingestion zone is a semicircle around 20 feet or so in front of a jet engine, whilst forĀ 100 feet or so to the rear one must beware of jetblast. Extreme caution should be exercised approaching the ingestion zone while engines are running, or one might suffer the dismal fate of being sucked into an engine. For best results, wait for the engine to spool down before attempting work on or near the airplane.
Acronym for "Security Identification Display Area", the area in which airport employees must wear an ID badge at all times, but used as a metonym for the badge itself: "can I see your SIDA?" Pronounced as sigh-duh. Airport ID badges are not sexually transmissible.
Thanks! I was on the old Wordie ages and ages ago, completely even forgot under what username. When I started this job I started to notice all these words and figured I should store them somewhere, well why not here... nice to see you still kicking around, as well!
Comments by tetri_tolia
tetri_tolia commented on the word diversion
An almost obscene word at the airport. If the airport you work at is located relatively close to a major hub, you are in danger of receiving diversions every time there is bad weather: runways being closed or backed up at the hub, a plane might circle, waiting to land, until it runs dangerously low on fuel, at which point it will be sent to a different airport to land, take on fuel, and take off again until it can land at the hub. An incredible aggravation to a busy ground crew, especially considering that usually in such situations we aren't experiencing any better weather than the hub is.
June 9, 2017
tetri_tolia commented on the word blue juice
When you shit on an airplane, it goes into a little tank that must be emptied every time the plane lands. The tank is filled with blue juice, which most people find disgusting by association but in fact is just water plus color plus deodorant, to keep the plane from smelling like shit. Ramp employees dump the lavs from the outside while the plane is on the ground. Can you imagine flushing a toilet situated above your head? A special lav truck is used to connect hoses to the outlets and collect waste in a tank, but care must be taken to attach the hoses securely, or the unfortunate employee will be subject to a blue shower, or, unspeakably worse, a brown shower...
June 9, 2017
tetri_tolia commented on the word FO
First Officer.
June 4, 2017
tetri_tolia commented on the word pushback
A jet engine doesn't have a reverse gear, of course... so when a plane is parked at gate, we need to use a tractor to push it backwards and away before the captain can start the engines and taxi away. This tractor, rather imaginatively, is known as a pushback. (It is connected to the nose gear of the plane by a towbar and a wire for the interphone.)
June 4, 2017
tetri_tolia commented on the word bird strike
Ah poor bird. Once in a while we get a plane with a big mess of blood and feathers on the nose or front end of a wing. Then we have to report it to the mechanics so they can check and make sure nothing's dented and the plane is still good to fly.
June 4, 2017
tetri_tolia commented on the word airstart
A very interesting piece of machinery, used to start a jet engine of which the APU (air pressure unit, more or less a starter for a jet engine which can also be used through a converter to power onboard lights and equipment) does not work (happens more often than you might think): basically a massive air compressor with a big hose which gets stuck into the side of the plane to blow a lot of air through the engine till it starts. Loud as hell (or pandemonium as the cool kids call it)
June 4, 2017
tetri_tolia commented on the word ingestion zone
The ingestion zone is a semicircle around 20 feet or so in front of a jet engine, whilst forĀ 100 feet or so to the rear one must beware of jetblast. Extreme caution should be exercised approaching the ingestion zone while engines are running, or one might suffer the dismal fate of being sucked into an engine. For best results, wait for the engine to spool down before attempting work on or near the airplane.
June 4, 2017
tetri_tolia commented on the word SIDA
Acronym for "Security Identification Display Area", the area in which airport employees must wear an ID badge at all times, but used as a metonym for the badge itself: "can I see your SIDA?" Pronounced as sigh-duh. Airport ID badges are not sexually transmissible.
May 20, 2017
tetri_tolia commented on the list words-from-the-airport
Thanks! I was on the old Wordie ages and ages ago, completely even forgot under what username. When I started this job I started to notice all these words and figured I should store them somewhere, well why not here... nice to see you still kicking around, as well!
May 19, 2017
tetri_tolia commented on the word accidental slide deployment
Bad news. Ground a plane for a day and cost the company tens of thousands of $$$ to replace the slide. Probably gonna lose your job.
May 19, 2017
tetri_tolia commented on the word RON
Remain Over Night
May 16, 2017
tetri_tolia commented on the word HR
"Human Remains" - when we get shipped a coffin in a plane
May 16, 2017