La perrugue is a French idiomatic expression meaning work one does for oneself in the guise of work done for an employer, as when one photocopies personal ... - 2k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Comments by thedaniel
thedaniel commented on the word plaatsvervangende schaamte
dutch for "feeling ashamed on someone else's behalf"
May 9, 2008
thedaniel commented on the word homoiconicity
damn you kerr! damn you a month later!
January 24, 2008
thedaniel commented on the word homoiconicity
wow, i'm the first one to add a word, for once.
November 28, 2007
thedaniel commented on the word la perrugue
Strategies of the Powerless: Michel de Certeau and the Perrugue - 2k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
June 13, 2007
thedaniel commented on the word trashbat
well, blame chris morris. calling something 'trashbat' was my ironic attempt at pseudo-barleyism
April 30, 2007
thedaniel commented on the word tab sweep
February 16, 2007