Numetter – A numetter (number + letter) is when people say something like “As you can see, Number “A” is the most important” when referring to a list. People will also say “Letter 1”.
phonytail - A pony tail of such diminutive stature as to be considered fake, or too small to be considered a real pony tail. A faux pony tail, and hence, a phonytail.
e.g., Once she took her extensions out, she put a little tuft of hair back in a phonytail.
Comments by themilman
themilman commented on the word Retroflect
Retroflect – to reflect in retrospection, to reflect on past events with nostalgia, to retroflect.
June 9, 2009
themilman commented on the word Obsoleted
Obsoleted – Obsolete is both present and past tense, there is no obsoleted.
Usage: That software was completely obsoleted by the latest release.
June 9, 2009
themilman commented on the word Numetter
Numetter – A numetter (number + letter) is when people say something like “As you can see, Number “A” is the most important” when referring to a list. People will also say “Letter 1”.
June 9, 2009
themilman commented on the word scopacetic
Scopacetic – slang, scope + copacetic, indicating that the scope (of work) is copacetic (satisfactory or acceptable)
June 9, 2009
themilman commented on the word phonytail
phonytail - A pony tail of such diminutive stature as to be considered fake, or too small to be considered a real pony tail. A faux pony tail, and hence, a phonytail.
e.g., Once she took her extensions out, she put a little tuft of hair back in a phonytail.
June 9, 2009
themilman commented on the word spanglosaxon
spanglosaxon - An American of Spanish speaking descent, Spanish + Anglosaxon = Spanglosaxon.
e.g., Jorge is a Spanglosaxon; his grandparents came from Mexico, but he was born and reared in the U.S.
June 9, 2009