The 1950s group, Situationist International argued that détournement “could disrupt the power of dominant culture, creating ‘situations’ that liberated people from capitalism and constraint.” (Source: "Representing Resistance: Media, Civil Disobedience, and the Global Justice Movement" Praeger, 2003. 19-20.).
Two (or more) distinct ideas that have joined together conceptually as a result of a mutual pun.
"Puns play a greater role than is generally realized in the formation of concepts and thus in the mechanisms of thought itself." (From "The Puncept in Grammatology," by Gregory Ulmer. "On Puns: The Foundation of Letters," (1988) Ed. Jonathan Culler.)
Comments by thenathanator
TheNathanator commented on the word puntential
A potential pun. "This word has so much puntential!"
January 8, 2012
TheNathanator commented on the word detournement
Détournement: a “turning around” or “turning upsidedown.” A form of subversive misappropriation in which images, texts, and objects are willfully misread or decontextualized. (See Adbusting, Subvertisement, Culture Jamming).
The 1950s group, Situationist International argued that détournement “could disrupt the power of dominant culture, creating ‘situations’ that liberated people from capitalism and constraint.” (Source: "Representing Resistance: Media, Civil Disobedience, and the Global Justice Movement" Praeger, 2003. 19-20.).
January 8, 2012
TheNathanator commented on the word puncept
Two (or more) distinct ideas that have joined together conceptually as a result of a mutual pun.
"Puns play a greater role than is generally realized in the formation of concepts and thus in the mechanisms of thought itself." (From "The Puncept in Grammatology," by Gregory Ulmer. "On Puns: The Foundation of Letters," (1988) Ed. Jonathan Culler.)
July 10, 2010