In the Wordnik 'word of the day' it says: "The word alpargata' may derive from an Arabic word for a kind of sandal." But I wonder if the etymology is closer to espadrille. In online etymology it has: "espadrille (n.) shoe with soles of hemp-rope (originally worn in the Pyrenees), 1892, from French espadrille (17c.), from Provençal espardillo, from Latin spartum "Spanish broom, Spanish grass," a plant of Iberia and North Africa that produced a fiber used to make mats, nets, ropes, etc., from Greek sparton "rope made of spartos" ("Spanish broom"), from PIE *spr-to-, from root *sper- (2) "to turn, twist" (see Sparta)."
Anamnesis is also a term for a key moment in the liturgical celebration of the catholic mass. After the consecration of the bread and wine, the prayer of remembrance, called the Anamnesis, is recited which calls to mind the passion, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. It is defined by the church as the high point of the Eucharistic celebration as a real "memorial" of what occurred during Christ's visible stay on earth as a pledge of what he continues to do invisibly through the Eucharist. (Etym. Greek anamn_sis, calling to mind, recollection.)
renown - I like the etymology of this word. It also fits with the modern reality of fame - the more a person's name is mentioned the more renown they have and the more renowned they are (though renowned has a different etymology, more based on the German ''known'' apparently)
I ''loved'' cellar door in homage to J.R.R. Tolkien - whether he is the originator of the notion it was a beautiful sound or not, he remarked that most people would agree the words make a beautiful sound. After inventing several languages, many euphonious, like Quenya, I think he would be a good judge of nice sounding words...
piece de resistance is a French phrase used in English BUT it is unknown as a phrase in France! They may use plat de resistance instead. I have used the piece de resistance a number of times to impress my French friends but they just look at me blankly. I wonder if there are other examples where a foreign phrase used in English is itself not used or common in the original language?
Given the etymology of 'cabriolet' I am surprised there is no modern reference to 'roe-bucks' or other prancing, capering, mountain climbing, capricornian or goatey type animals. What about in France?
Comments by tinfangwarble
Tinfangwarble commented on the word alpargata
In the Wordnik 'word of the day' it says: "The word alpargata' may derive from an Arabic word for a kind of sandal." But I wonder if the etymology is closer to espadrille. In online etymology it has: "espadrille (n.) shoe with soles of hemp-rope (originally worn in the Pyrenees), 1892, from French espadrille (17c.), from Provençal espardillo, from Latin spartum "Spanish broom, Spanish grass," a plant of Iberia and North Africa that produced a fiber used to make mats, nets, ropes, etc., from Greek sparton "rope made of spartos" ("Spanish broom"), from PIE *spr-to-, from root *sper- (2) "to turn, twist" (see Sparta)."
What do you think?
June 10, 2016
Tinfangwarble commented on the word anamnesis
Anamnesis is also a term for a key moment in the liturgical celebration of the catholic mass. After the consecration of the bread and wine, the prayer of remembrance, called the Anamnesis, is recited which calls to mind the passion, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. It is defined by the church as the high point of the Eucharistic celebration as a real "memorial" of what occurred during Christ's visible stay on earth as a pledge of what he continues to do invisibly through the Eucharist. (Etym. Greek anamn_sis, calling to mind, recollection.)
May 20, 2016
Tinfangwarble commented on the list neologisms--9
Omnishambles - ˈɒmnɪʃamb(ə)lz/ noun British informal
1. a situation that has been comprehensively mismanaged, characterised by a string of blunders and miscalculations
June 26, 2015
Tinfangwarble commented on the list neologisms--9
"CLICKBAIT" - Found on this site - I presume it is an a tempting word or image that makes you want to click it and follow a booking flow...
June 23, 2015
Tinfangwarble commented on the list archaic--1
Scop - Old English bard or poet
May 29, 2015
Tinfangwarble commented on the word renown
renown - I like the etymology of this word. It also fits with the modern reality of fame - the more a person's name is mentioned the more renown they have and the more renowned they are (though renowned has a different etymology, more based on the German ''known'' apparently)
July 25, 2013
Tinfangwarble commented on the word cellar door
I ''loved'' cellar door in homage to J.R.R. Tolkien - whether he is the originator of the notion it was a beautiful sound or not, he remarked that most people would agree the words make a beautiful sound. After inventing several languages, many euphonious, like Quenya, I think he would be a good judge of nice sounding words...
July 25, 2013
Tinfangwarble commented on the word pièce de résistance
piece de resistance is a French phrase used in English BUT it is unknown as a phrase in France! They may use plat de resistance instead. I have used the piece de resistance a number of times to impress my French friends but they just look at me blankly. I wonder if there are other examples where a foreign phrase used in English is itself not used or common in the original language?
July 25, 2013
Tinfangwarble commented on the word cabriolet
Given the etymology of 'cabriolet' I am surprised there is no modern reference to 'roe-bucks' or other prancing, capering, mountain climbing, capricornian or goatey type animals. What about in France?
June 12, 2013