"Cheskers" is an elision off chess and checkers. It describes the situation of chess pieces on one end of the chess/checkers board and checker pieces on the other.
The condition where the players are playing different games with different rules on the same field or board. eg. The couple was playing cheskers, not on the same page, playing by different rules.
Fluck is different from luck. I define "fluck" as the kind of luck that rescues you from being totally fucked. For example, you fall out of an airplane (fucked)but you land on a haystack,that's fluck. Fluck is bad luck followed by good luck.
Your car does not crash and you find a bar of gold under the seat .- luck
Your car crashes into a tree but the airbag saves you and you find the gold bar - fluck
Comments by tpot
tpot commented on the user tpot
"Cheskers" is an elision off chess and checkers. It describes the situation of chess pieces on one end of the chess/checkers board and checker pieces on the other.
The condition where the players are playing different games with different rules on the same field or board. eg. The couple was playing cheskers, not on the same page, playing by different rules.
February 1, 2016
tpot commented on the word fluck
Fluck is different from luck. I define "fluck" as the kind of luck that rescues you from being totally fucked. For example, you fall out of an airplane (fucked)but you land on a haystack,that's fluck. Fluck is bad luck followed by good luck.
Your car does not crash and you find a bar of gold under the seat .- luck
Your car crashes into a tree but the airbag saves you and you find the gold bar - fluck
October 27, 2013