trezibbet commented on the word hooduknickabolockauf
Hooduknickabolockauf - Common name for a man with three testicles.
December 3, 2007
trezibbet commented on the word squog
Actually I think you'll find that a squog is a square log!
trezibbet commented on the list trezibbet-s-words
funge - to fumble and plunge simultaneously
Comments by trezibbet
trezibbet commented on the word hooduknickabolockauf
Hooduknickabolockauf - Common name for a man with three testicles.
December 3, 2007
trezibbet commented on the word squog
Actually I think you'll find that a squog is a square log!
December 3, 2007
trezibbet commented on the list trezibbet-s-words
funge - to fumble and plunge simultaneously
December 3, 2007