plough is the UK spelling and plow is the US spelling. They are the same thing: a big knife for opening soil to admit seeds. The plough is pulled by an animal or mechanical device.
Iain M Banks used this word for the act of loading a stored personality into a new, mindless body that had been purpose grown as a replacement for the original, presumably lost, body.
A chugger is a combination of the words "charity" and "mugger". Chuggers are the people who stand on the street in a tabard from a charity and try to get passers-by to donate cash or sign-up for a monthly donation.
In Internet routing, aggregation is used to mean the summarization of a number of more specific routes into a single external route announcement. In other words, aggregation involve distributing IP addresses in an hierarchy so that networks on different branches of the tree do not overwhelm each other with a surfeit of unnecessary information. In an internet context, aggregation is implemented using CIDR (Classless Inter Domain Routing) in BGP4+.
Comments by tubbydammer
tubbydammer commented on the word plough
plough is the UK spelling and plow is the US spelling. They are the same thing: a big knife for opening soil to admit seeds. The plough is pulled by an animal or mechanical device.
December 22, 2024
tubbydammer commented on the word revented
Iain M Banks used this word for the act of loading a stored personality into a new, mindless body that had been purpose grown as a replacement for the original, presumably lost, body.
July 15, 2011
tubbydammer commented on the word chugger
A chugger is a combination of the words "charity" and "mugger". Chuggers are the people who stand on the street in a tabard from a charity and try to get passers-by to donate cash or sign-up for a monthly donation.
August 19, 2009
tubbydammer commented on the word monkey
A slang term for £500. Common in parts on London, England
June 26, 2009
tubbydammer commented on the word aggregation
In Internet routing, aggregation is used to mean the summarization of a number of more specific routes into a single external route announcement. In other words, aggregation involve distributing IP addresses in an hierarchy so that networks on different branches of the tree do not overwhelm each other with a surfeit of unnecessary information. In an internet context, aggregation is implemented using CIDR (Classless Inter Domain Routing) in BGP4+.
June 10, 2009