Being pushed out of use in society, into the periphery. Appears as a quote in a New York Times article on the Endangered Language Kim.
“There’s a whole bunch of reasons linguists want these languages preserved,” Dr. Childs said, “but for me it’s more an emotional thing. It’s not noblesse oblige, it’s capitalist oblige. These people are totally peripheralized.”
Comments by txpasley
txpasley commented on the word peripheralize
Being pushed out of use in society, into the periphery. Appears as a quote in a New York Times article on the Endangered Language Kim.
“There’s a whole bunch of reasons linguists want these languages preserved,” Dr. Childs said, “but for me it’s more an emotional thing. It’s not noblesse oblige, it’s capitalist oblige. These people are totally peripheralized.”
July 29, 2009
txpasley commented on the word adiacent
It seems to be an archaic spelling of adjacent.
July 24, 2009
txpasley commented on the word inspissated
Thick or thickened in consistency.
June 26, 2009