Heteronormativity refers to the state of expectations regarding social performance that anticipates that individuals will behave in ways that cleanly corresponds to contemporary understandings of masculinity and femininity. Heteronormativity supports the notion that heterosexual orientations are the most appropriate and that men and women will relate in ways that reflect this and also reflect a binary understanding of gender. Wikipedia is currently the only reference source I have found that contains an adequate definition of this term, and I'd love for you -- or us -- to be on the same bandwagon!
Comments by tylerch
TylerCH commented on the word heteronormative
Heteronormativity refers to the state of expectations regarding social performance that anticipates that individuals will behave in ways that cleanly corresponds to contemporary understandings of masculinity and femininity. Heteronormativity supports the notion that heterosexual orientations are the most appropriate and that men and women will relate in ways that reflect this and also reflect a binary understanding of gender. Wikipedia is currently the only reference source I have found that contains an adequate definition of this term, and I'd love for you -- or us -- to be on the same bandwagon!
June 6, 2009