"there should be a word for this: thinking you're getting away with something on the sly while the world laughs at you, anticipating your inevitable demise.
we can win this one, wordies. "infested with headlice" is much more honest when it appears on the note pinned to your kid's shirt than "pediculous". that makes you run to the dictionary, then the pharmacy. and there's a perfectly good alternate... "lousy". pediculous needs its own definition, to free it from medicine; taking all the good words and ruining them for the rest of us. we need this one back...
i suppose from my comments it's becoming clear that i'm not of the gender that so defines our boundaries. you really don't see girls out writing their names in the snow so much... ;)
you boys in my wordie are mannin' my words! i'm telling!
Comments by uncleosbert
uncleosbert commented on the word manstruation
when nothing is going right for your husband and he wants to curl up under the covers and cry
September 13, 2009
uncleosbert commented on the word jacklash
please see the news for details, week of june 25 2009.
July 1, 2009
uncleosbert commented on the word pwndit
there is politics and then there is art. who is to say which is which?
also see pundit, pwn
September 11, 2008
uncleosbert commented on the word schadendouche
first use!
"there should be a word for this: thinking you're getting away with something on the sly while the world laughs at you, anticipating your inevitable demise.
thanks beatnik!!
September 25, 2007
uncleosbert commented on the word pediculous
it is not, repeat NOT "infested with headlice"
we can win this one, wordies. "infested with headlice" is much more honest when it appears on the note pinned to your kid's shirt than "pediculous". that makes you run to the dictionary, then the pharmacy. and there's a perfectly good alternate... "lousy". pediculous needs its own definition, to free it from medicine; taking all the good words and ruining them for the rest of us. we need this one back...
August 13, 2007
uncleosbert commented on the word explorinate
i suppose from my comments it's becoming clear that i'm not of the gender that so defines our boundaries. you really don't see girls out writing their names in the snow so much... ;)
you boys in my wordie are mannin' my words! i'm telling!
August 13, 2007
uncleosbert commented on the word phobosophy
i think we have a phobosopher president right now.
August 12, 2007
uncleosbert commented on the word explorinate
oh that's good! that works too, since we always consider everything we notice and love ours...
August 12, 2007
uncleosbert commented on the word douchehold
the point at which you know someone is a douche.
August 10, 2007
uncleosbert commented on the word qualtagh
it sounds like someone trying to say "quality" with their teeth out...
July 8, 2007
uncleosbert commented on the word gleipnir
should be the name of a kick ass swedish death metal band.
July 8, 2007
uncleosbert commented on the word ennui
thank you, gustave flaubert
July 8, 2007
uncleosbert commented on the word explorinate
exploring with the extra attention that comes when you have a digital camera.
July 8, 2007
uncleosbert commented on the word painoply
doesn't she always though?
June 15, 2007
uncleosbert commented on the word astroflex
i think it must be a sniglet!
June 15, 2007
uncleosbert commented on the word astroflex
it's when you change your behavior because of your horoscope.
June 15, 2007
uncleosbert commented on the word painoply
tv shows compiled of sports injury footage.
June 15, 2007
uncleosbert commented on the word sarchasm
June 15, 2007
uncleosbert commented on the word bignorant
or maybe a person who doesn't know anything about the thing he hates?
June 15, 2007
uncleosbert commented on the word abjective
June 15, 2007
uncleosbert commented on the word syncretion
it's ok. i still have my principles.
June 15, 2007