We will be hosting a job fair next week at the secret lair. Would you like to work in a fast-paced, high-pressure environment? Click on this list now to see whether you qualify: minions-wanted.
Bilby: As you might imagine, I am always burning through employees. Tell this Hermione and her friends that we have hiring bonuses for anyone with a tiger patronus.
And ry: It certainly does now. Thanks for the tip.
Normally I would not consider joining any clamouring masses, but the Eurovision contest is over and I am looking for something new to amuse me. Shall we begin?
Bilbyzcat: Here is my card - feel free to contact me if you would like a daring helicopter rescue during which we could discuss your ideas about revenge, world domination, "cheezburgers" et cetera.
Comments by vanderpink
vanderpink commented on the word portrayment
*arrives in a puff of pink smoke*
Lion awakening, eh? That's an interesting skill.
We will be hosting a job fair next week at the secret lair. Would you like to work in a fast-paced, high-pressure environment? Click on this list now to see whether you qualify: minions-wanted.
July 15, 2022
vanderpink commented on the word nether-vert
Harrumph. It might have been a good location if it weren’t for a certain marsupial with long ears and loose lips.
December 1, 2021
vanderpink commented on the list anagram-poetry
Bilby: As you might imagine, I am always burning through employees. Tell this Hermione and her friends that we have hiring bonuses for anyone with a tiger patronus.
And ry: It certainly does now. Thanks for the tip.
*disappears in a puff of mink pokes*
February 5, 2020
vanderpink commented on the list anagram-poetry
*appears in a cloud of monk pikes*
Hold on. Someone must've pushed the wrong button on my pink smoke machine.
February 3, 2020
vanderpink commented on the word fʊ̈ˈɫɔksʃɚ
*appears in a flash of pink smoke*
This has absolutely nothing to do with my new projects!
*disappears in a flash of even pinker smoke*
May 1, 2019
vanderpink commented on the list tiger-safety-rules
I like how you think, alexz.
June 12, 2017
vanderpink commented on the word lavender-pink
Not this time, zuzu. Maybe when you're a little older.
February 10, 2016
vanderpink commented on the word lavender-pink
I'm always willing to entertain more cats.
February 9, 2016
vanderpink commented on the word lavender-pink
I would be most happy to discuss this with you. Shall I send a minion in a hovercraft to fetch you?
February 9, 2016
vanderpink commented on the word lavender-pink
*appears in a puff of lavender-pink smoke*
You rang?
February 9, 2016
vanderpink commented on the list name-name
Excellent choice, qroqqa.
November 24, 2015
vanderpink commented on the word The Volcano House
For sale: http://boingboing.net/2015/09/08/for-sale-one-volcano-supervil.html
September 10, 2015
vanderpink commented on the user bilbyzcat
Ah, zuzu. Nice to see you.
*vanishes in a puff of pink smoke*
July 29, 2015
vanderpink commented on the user bilbyzcat
Here, kitty kitty.
July 29, 2015
vanderpink commented on the list identify-the-word-ie-nik--2013
Normally I would not consider joining any clamouring masses, but the Eurovision contest is over and I am looking for something new to amuse me. Shall we begin?
May 20, 2013
vanderpink commented on the user goodkitten
*vanishes in a puff of pink smoke*
June 27, 2012
vanderpink commented on the user goodkitten
June 27, 2012
vanderpink commented on the user goodkitten
Bilbyzcat: Here is my card - feel free to contact me if you would like a daring helicopter rescue during which we could discuss your ideas about revenge, world domination, "cheezburgers" et cetera.
Ruzuzu: You disappoint me.
June 27, 2012
vanderpink commented on the user goodkitten
Did I hear the word "revenge"? I'd be happy to offer you new employment.
June 27, 2012
vanderpink commented on the user vanderpink
Thank you - though I note you forgot Mother's Day.
June 18, 2012
vanderpink commented on the user PossibleUnderscore
I'm still looking for new employees, if you know anyone who might be interested.
*vanishes in a puff of pink smoke*
June 18, 2012
vanderpink commented on the list it-s-a-trap
I didn't hear a thing.
February 26, 2012
vanderpink commented on the word indecisive teas
I'll admit it. My fondness for solving crossword puzzles almost got me caught. But have no fear - tonight my tigers will dine on disloyal henchmen.
You'll never find me, professor von schmartzenpanz!
October 24, 2011
vanderpink commented on the user vanderpink
No. But I did once spin some tiger hair into yarn.
July 20, 2011
vanderpink commented on the user vanderpink
Perhaps. Why do you ask?
July 20, 2011
vanderpink commented on the user vanderpink
Tut-tut! I would never feed innocent children to one of my big cats. You should know that better than anyone, ruzuzu.
June 28, 2011
vanderpink commented on the user vanderpink
Why do you ask?
June 28, 2011
vanderpink commented on the user vanderpink
Are you sure? The professor is not the only one who might have had an "operation".
June 15, 2011
vanderpink commented on the user vanderpink
No contract - paper burns too easily. You will need to get a special tattoo, though.
May 5, 2011
vanderpink commented on the user vanderpink
Prolagus: It has nothing to do with the location of the secret lair, if that's what you're asking. (Did you hear that, professor von schmartzenpanz?)
PossibleUnderscore: You're hired.
ruzuzu: I'm keeping my eye on you.
May 4, 2011
vanderpink commented on the user vanderpink
Mmm. I am always looking for new employees. Do drop me a line if you are sincerely interested in meeting my tigers.
*vanishes in a puff of pink smoke*
April 25, 2011
vanderpink commented on the user vanderpink
I sincerely doubt it. You seem awfully interested, though.
April 25, 2011
vanderpink commented on the user vanderpink
I would not want to offer the fiendish professor any more clues regarding my whereabouts.
April 25, 2011
vanderpink commented on the word lion-hunter
You'll never catch me, Professor.
April 25, 2011
vanderpink commented on the user bilby
Flesh-fly, eh? I'm watching you, too.
April 3, 2011
vanderpink commented on the word flesh-fly
Ha very ha.
*starts keeping a closer eye on Mr Leatherears*
April 3, 2011
vanderpink commented on the user vanderpink
Thank you for the gesture, but it is far too late for such kindness to dissuade me from MY DESPERATE PLAN TO EXACT REVENGE AGAINST THE PROFESSOR.
I was just about to have some breakfast - could I offer you some nuts and berries?
March 26, 2011
vanderpink commented on the user vanderpink
Thank you, leather-eared creature. I'm certainly glad someone can find entertainment in my tale of woe.
March 9, 2011
vanderpink commented on the user vanderpink
February 28, 2011
vanderpink commented on the word professor von schmartzenpanz
Indeed - one would think a man skilled at creating algorithms could have predicted this.
February 28, 2011
vanderpink commented on the word professor von schmartzenpanz
It would seem we meet again, professor.
February 28, 2011