vinyl_mike commented on the word nekkidity
neh KID' itee: Having the quality of being "nekkid"
January 14, 2009
vinyl_mike commented on the word nekkid
Nekkid: (see also "Naked") to be dereft of clothing. A coloquialistic pronunciation of the word "naked", usually Southern: "Did y'all see the nekkid girls down by the crick?"
vinyl_mike commented on the list vinyl_mikes-list
Enjoy the list!
Comments by vinyl_mike
vinyl_mike commented on the word nekkidity
neh KID' itee: Having the quality of being "nekkid"
January 14, 2009
vinyl_mike commented on the word nekkid
Nekkid: (see also "Naked") to be dereft of clothing. A coloquialistic pronunciation of the word "naked", usually Southern: "Did y'all see the nekkid girls down by the crick?"
January 14, 2009
vinyl_mike commented on the list vinyl_mikes-list
Enjoy the list!
January 14, 2009