"Mumblecrust" Just think of that old alcoholic down there on skid row. No teeth, dirty, several days growth of beard, spittle dribbling down his chin, cradling that wine bottle in the paper sack as he lays in the alley. There you go. That's your mumblecrust.
Comments by voraciousverbivore
VoraciousVerbivore commented on the word adverse
If you add up all the verses in the Bible, will it take away the adverse circumstances in your life?
August 1, 2011
VoraciousVerbivore commented on the word bloviate
Think "Blow"viate as in blowhard. As in full of hot air. Good memory aid.
July 30, 2011
VoraciousVerbivore commented on the word automoton
Commander Data, from Star Trek, TNG, is a wonderful example of what automotons may someday become.
July 29, 2011
VoraciousVerbivore commented on the word limaceous
Jabba the Hut?
July 29, 2011
VoraciousVerbivore commented on the word acersecomic
Rapunzel, perhaps?
Or Sampson.....
July 29, 2011
VoraciousVerbivore commented on the word mundungus
Easy to remember word. just think mun"DUNG"us.
July 29, 2011
VoraciousVerbivore commented on the word barmecidal
Barmecidal: Having the illusion or promise of great wealth, but rendering nothing.
July 29, 2011
VoraciousVerbivore commented on the word Fastidious
"Fastidious" Remember the "Odd Couple" with Felix and Oscar? Felix was the embodiment of fastidiousness.
July 28, 2011
VoraciousVerbivore commented on the word mumblecrust
"Mumblecrust" Just think of that old alcoholic down there on skid row. No teeth, dirty, several days growth of beard, spittle dribbling down his chin, cradling that wine bottle in the paper sack as he lays in the alley. There you go. That's your mumblecrust.
July 28, 2011
VoraciousVerbivore commented on the word slubberdegullion
Also defined as "A consummate slob"
July 28, 2011