washerdreyer commented on the word capuan
Luxurious in a pejorative way, discussed here.
January 28, 2007
washerdreyer commented on the word walker
19th century British slang term meaning "I am incredulous!" See here.
December 26, 2006
washerdreyer commented on the word intratextual
"Intratextualism" is my term for reading a given clause of the Constitution against the backdrop of other clauses in the document that use the same, or similar, words.
-Akhil Reed Amar, An(other) on The Bill of Rights 87 Geo. L.J. 2347, 2354
December 13, 2006
washerdreyer commented on the word professing
Affirming or declaring one's faith in or allegiance to; acknowledgng or formally recognizing as an object of faith or belief (esp. a religion).
Slightly revised from the OED.
December 10, 2006
washerdreyer commented on the word crapulent
Bierce, in his definition of abstainer:
Said a man to a crapulent youth: "I thought
You a total abstainer, my son."
"So I am, so I am," said the scrapgrace caught —
"But not, sir, a bigoted one."
December 9, 2006
washerdreyer commented on the word mnemosyne
Nabokov's autobigraphy would have been a smash hit if only the publishers had let him keep this word in the title.
Comments by washerdreyer
washerdreyer commented on the word capuan
Luxurious in a pejorative way, discussed here.
January 28, 2007
washerdreyer commented on the word walker
19th century British slang term meaning "I am incredulous!" See here.
December 26, 2006
washerdreyer commented on the word intratextual
"Intratextualism" is my term for reading a given clause of the Constitution against the backdrop of other clauses in the document that use the same, or similar, words.
-Akhil Reed Amar, An(other) on The Bill of Rights 87 Geo. L.J. 2347, 2354
December 13, 2006
washerdreyer commented on the word professing
Affirming or declaring one's faith in or allegiance to; acknowledgng or formally recognizing as an object of faith or belief (esp. a religion).
Slightly revised from the OED.
December 10, 2006
washerdreyer commented on the word crapulent
Bierce, in his definition of abstainer:
Said a man to a crapulent youth: "I thought
You a total abstainer, my son."
"So I am, so I am," said the scrapgrace caught —
"But not, sir, a bigoted one."
December 9, 2006
washerdreyer commented on the word mnemosyne
Nabokov's autobigraphy would have been a smash hit if only the publishers had let him keep this word in the title.
December 9, 2006