waxwings commented on the word l'essor
flight, development, blossoming (etre en plein essor)
April 25, 2012
waxwings commented on the word la prestation
loan, allowance
September 6, 2011
waxwings commented on the word le champs
les champs = country (campagne); le champs = scope.
waxwings commented on the word déception
disappointment; disillusion
July 15, 2011
waxwings commented on the word limoger
to dismiss
July 11, 2011
waxwings commented on the word au secours!
Help! (À l'aide!)
June 24, 2011
waxwings commented on the word égerie
June 3, 2011
waxwings commented on the word produit intérieur brut
gross domestic product (GDP)
May 17, 2011
waxwings commented on the word au fur et à mesure
as one goes along
waxwings commented on the word les biens d'équipement
household goods
waxwings commented on the word les pays en développement
developing countries
waxwings commented on the word la réprise
(economic) recovery
waxwings commented on the word la décennie
May 16, 2011
waxwings commented on the word foutraque
un peu fou (familier)
April 20, 2011
waxwings commented on the word taux d'alphabétisation
literacy rate
April 19, 2011
waxwings commented on the word page d'accueil
home page
Comments by waxwings
waxwings commented on the word l'essor
flight, development, blossoming (etre en plein essor)
April 25, 2012
waxwings commented on the word la prestation
loan, allowance
September 6, 2011
waxwings commented on the word le champs
les champs = country (campagne); le champs = scope.
September 6, 2011
waxwings commented on the word déception
disappointment; disillusion
July 15, 2011
waxwings commented on the word limoger
to dismiss
July 11, 2011
waxwings commented on the word au secours!
Help! (À l'aide!)
June 24, 2011
waxwings commented on the word égerie
June 3, 2011
waxwings commented on the word produit intérieur brut
gross domestic product (GDP)
May 17, 2011
waxwings commented on the word au fur et à mesure
as one goes along
May 17, 2011
waxwings commented on the word les biens d'équipement
household goods
May 17, 2011
waxwings commented on the word les pays en développement
developing countries
May 17, 2011
waxwings commented on the word la réprise
(economic) recovery
May 17, 2011
waxwings commented on the word la décennie
May 16, 2011
waxwings commented on the word foutraque
un peu fou (familier)
April 20, 2011
waxwings commented on the word taux d'alphabétisation
literacy rate
April 19, 2011
waxwings commented on the word page d'accueil
home page
April 19, 2011