(Sanskrit: स�?वाधिष�?ठान, Sv�?dhiṣṭh�?na) called 'One's own abode' is the second primary chakra according to Hindu tradition. Swadhisthana is associated with the unconscious, and with emotions containing unconscious desires, especially sexual desire.
Mocking term for espousing debunked conspiracy theories.
Referencing those whose tenuous grasp on reality has led them to wearing self-fashioned tin foil hats in public -as a safety precaution against "x-ray waves" from aliens, communists, the government, Rosie O'Donnell, etc.
Often used in reference to 9/11 theories and people that treat the DaVinci Code as non-fiction (tinfoilhatters, if you must)
"After reviewing these facts, maybe it can be seen that "loose change" etc. etc. is so much glorified tinfoilhattery."
Omnivalence is the appreciation of nuance and the recognition that conflicting perspectives often add light and meaning. Where ambivalence is a state of indecision based on two opposed opinions, omnivalence embraces the paradox of the often all-too-real contradictions we experience in the world, and transcends the false dichotomies presented by inculcateddogmatic thinking.
Contradictory feelings which we might be inclined to identify as conflictual ambivalence, are, on closer examination, something else. Such feelings seem to be experienced by creators not as ambivalent conflict, but as possibilities, potentials, mystery, openness. Omnivalence might be a better term, from the Latin omni, meaning "affects all things," and related to ops "wealth," plus valence or "strength." (Briggs & McCluskey, 1989). When omnivalence occurs there is an emotion-perception-cognition of a powerful, global wealth in the moment, a wealth in which there may be many different, even contrary, elements, each equally strong but all fundamentally indistinguishable from each other so that even the contrary elements are really a single effect eliciting an impression that somehow "all of it,"(omni) "the whole world," is in this moment. We might associate the creator's experience of omnivalence both with a feeling of multi-valence and omni-presence. It is similar in some ways to ambivalence but quite unlike it as well because in ambivalence the psyche is divided between two states of mind competing for dominance. In omnivalence there is only one encompassing state containing somehow many states overlapped and not in competition.
Another facet of omnivalence, a window into its dynamics which I'd like to try to convey by introducing a somewhat fanciful, neologism: 'this*other-ness'. In the omnivalent state, whatever is happening now in "this" moment, with "this" object or "this" memory, etc. also seems simultaneously more or "other" than what it seems. However, on the other hand, the impression of other-ness is also grounded right here in the immediacy of "this" object or memory, etc. which is before me. The psyche in omnivalence is suspended or cycles within the dynamics of 'this*other-ness' and this gives strength, movement and an impression of unfolding presence to the omnivalent experience. (The "*" symbol is meant to indicate that "this" and "other" are continually cycling--i.e., folding back--into each other.) It is easy to see why literary metaphor and literary irony would be used so extensively by artists to evoke a sense of omnivalent 'this*other-ness' in an audience. By definition, the very structure of irony and metaphor are such that what you are confronting is both "this" and "more/other than this."
Comments by wenderful
wenderful commented on the word aerenchymatous
aerenchyma |e(ə)ˈre ng kəmə|
noun Botany
a soft plant tissue containing air spaces, found esp. in many aquatic plants.
aerenchymatous |-mətəs| adjective
ORIGIN late 19th cent.: from Greek aēr ‘air’ + enkhuma ‘infusion.’
October 2, 2009
wenderful commented on the list words-that-have-ae-or-oe
Nice! You got me on a roll for a minute.
October 2, 2009
wenderful commented on the list nickname-components
Scanning this brought up involuntary affection for its editor... and a deep desire to create annoying monikers. Effing lovely.
August 20, 2009
wenderful commented on the word kobayashi maru
n. -A no-win situation. (referencing a simulated trial for cadets in the Star Trek universe)
adj. -adds traits of futility to a situation
v. -presenting someone with an unsolvable dilemma
June 10, 2009
wenderful commented on the word kobayashi maru
often used by Trekkies or flexing pop-culture geeks
June 10, 2009
wenderful commented on the user bilby
me again...
ADHD supplies me with constant annoying adventures. Figured out and fixed the mayhem, finally.
I luuuv alliteration.
Have a great day.
June 7, 2009
wenderful commented on the user bilby
Hi Bilby,
Thanks so much for the wisdom.
I figured as much as soon as I saw the horrifying results of what I'd entered.
---not sure how to erase mistakes like that,
or who to tell about it.
I really don't want to have marred the landscape.
June 7, 2009
wenderful commented on the word sv�?dhiṣṭh�?na
(Sanskrit: स�?वाधिष�?ठान, Sv�?dhiṣṭh�?na) called 'One's own abode' is the second primary chakra according to Hindu tradition. Swadhisthana is associated with the unconscious, and with emotions containing unconscious desires, especially sexual desire.
June 6, 2009
wenderful commented on the word tinfoilhattery
Mocking term for espousing debunked conspiracy theories.
Referencing those whose tenuous grasp on reality has led them to wearing self-fashioned tin foil hats in public -as a safety precaution against "x-ray waves" from aliens, communists, the government, Rosie O'Donnell, etc.
Often used in reference to 9/11 theories and people that treat the DaVinci Code as non-fiction (tinfoilhatters, if you must)
"After reviewing these facts, maybe it can be seen that "loose change" etc. etc. is so much glorified tinfoilhattery."
June 6, 2009
wenderful commented on the word cognoscenti
from Italian to mean literally "In the know"
people who are considered to be especially well-informed about a subject
the pleasant way to call someone a know-it-all!
April 19, 2009
wenderful commented on the word catastrophize
what my father says I tend to do when left to my own pessimism mixed with my rampant imagination
April 2, 2009
wenderful commented on the word perseverative
to repeat something insistently or redundantly,
to go on and on past the point of comprehension
like saying the same thing again and again without need or cause or justification or reason...
April 2, 2009
wenderful commented on the word kleepa
From the cult hit movie "Pootie Tang": the word on Pootie's vanity plate. Mean with it -what you will...
November 11, 2008
wenderful commented on the word omnivalence
Omnivalence is the appreciation of nuance and the recognition that conflicting perspectives often add light and meaning. Where ambivalence is a state of indecision based on two opposed opinions, omnivalence embraces the paradox of the often all-too-real contradictions we experience in the world, and transcends the false dichotomies presented by inculcated dogmatic thinking.
Contradictory feelings which we might be inclined to identify as conflictual ambivalence, are, on closer examination, something else. Such feelings seem to be experienced by creators not as ambivalent conflict, but as possibilities, potentials, mystery, openness. Omnivalence might be a better term, from the Latin omni, meaning "affects all things," and related to ops "wealth," plus valence or "strength." (Briggs & McCluskey, 1989). When omnivalence occurs there is an emotion-perception-cognition of a powerful, global wealth in the moment, a wealth in which there may be many different, even contrary, elements, each equally strong but all fundamentally indistinguishable from each other so that even the contrary elements are really a single effect eliciting an impression that somehow "all of it,"(omni) "the whole world," is in this moment. We might associate the creator's experience of omnivalence both with a feeling of multi-valence and omni-presence. It is similar in some ways to ambivalence but quite unlike it as well because in ambivalence the psyche is divided between two states of mind competing for dominance. In omnivalence there is only one encompassing state containing somehow many states overlapped and not in competition.
Another facet of omnivalence, a window into its dynamics which I'd like to try to convey by introducing a somewhat fanciful, neologism: 'this*other-ness'. In the omnivalent state, whatever is happening now in "this" moment, with "this" object or "this" memory, etc. also seems simultaneously more or "other" than what it seems. However, on the other hand, the impression of other-ness is also grounded right here in the immediacy of "this" object or memory, etc. which is before me. The psyche in omnivalence is suspended or cycles within the dynamics of 'this*other-ness' and this gives strength, movement and an impression of unfolding presence to the omnivalent experience. (The "*" symbol is meant to indicate that "this" and "other" are continually cycling--i.e., folding back--into each other.) It is easy to see why literary metaphor and literary irony would be used so extensively by artists to evoke a sense of omnivalent 'this*other-ness' in an audience. By definition, the very structure of irony and metaphor are such that what you are confronting is both "this" and "more/other than this."
taken from:
"Nuance and Omnivalence in the Creative Mind"
Published in the journal of creativity, Advanced Development, 1995
By John Briggs
Western Connecticut State University
November 11, 2008