wiredweird commented on the word periodic
PEER ee Odd ick - happening at regular intervals
PURR eye Odd ick - having iodine substituends for all hydrogen atoms
May 2, 2008
wiredweird commented on the word zoea
Four letters, three syllables, and starts with a consonant. Does anyone know any other words like that?
September 30, 2007
wiredweird commented on the word lather
(rhymes with "hath fur") person who applies lath, e.g. to a wall
(rhymes with "bathe her") person who operates a lathe
(rhymes with "gather") foam
BTW, does anyone know any other spellings that have three or more different pronunciations?
wiredweird commented on the word unionized
Not ionized.
Belonging to a union.
March 27, 2007
wiredweird commented on the list allophonic-homographs
(rhymes with FUR - ee - Odd tick) Fully saturated with iodine atoms
(rhymes with PEER my Odd tick) occuring at predictable intervals.
wiredweird commented on the word multiply
(Mul-ti-PLY) perform an operation in arithemtic
(MUL-ti-Plee) More than once
wiredweird commented on the word arithmetic
(uh-RITH-muh-Tick) numerical manipulations
(Air-ith-MET-ick) adj, pertaining to mathematical operations
wiredweird commented on the word dove
(rhymes with love) - a kind of bird
(rhymes with cove) - past tense of dive
wiredweird commented on the word lead
rhymes with red - a heavy metal
rhymes with reed - to go in front, or to command
Comments by wiredweird
wiredweird commented on the word periodic
PEER ee Odd ick - happening at regular intervals
PURR eye Odd ick - having iodine substituends for all hydrogen atoms
May 2, 2008
wiredweird commented on the word zoea
Four letters, three syllables, and starts with a consonant. Does anyone know any other words like that?
September 30, 2007
wiredweird commented on the word lather
(rhymes with "hath fur") person who applies lath, e.g. to a wall
(rhymes with "bathe her") person who operates a lathe
(rhymes with "gather") foam
BTW, does anyone know any other spellings that have three or more different pronunciations?
September 30, 2007
wiredweird commented on the word unionized
Not ionized.
Belonging to a union.
March 27, 2007
wiredweird commented on the list allophonic-homographs
(rhymes with FUR - ee - Odd tick) Fully saturated with iodine atoms
(rhymes with PEER my Odd tick) occuring at predictable intervals.
March 27, 2007
wiredweird commented on the word multiply
(Mul-ti-PLY) perform an operation in arithemtic
(MUL-ti-Plee) More than once
March 27, 2007
wiredweird commented on the word arithmetic
(uh-RITH-muh-Tick) numerical manipulations
(Air-ith-MET-ick) adj, pertaining to mathematical operations
March 27, 2007
wiredweird commented on the word dove
(rhymes with love) - a kind of bird
(rhymes with cove) - past tense of dive
March 27, 2007
wiredweird commented on the word lead
rhymes with red - a heavy metal
rhymes with reed - to go in front, or to command
March 27, 2007