According to the Australian Broadcasting Commission on one of their TV programmes there was a discussion about the rise & rise of "Personal Trainers". It was pointed out that these people were not, as many think, a modern era phenomenon but had been around since the early 16th Century. The first recorded use of the word "Shapesmith" was during the reign of England's Henry VIII (Born 1491, became king in 1509 until his death in 1547) Henry used the word about c1515 when he was still a young, very healthy & strong man of 24, when he referred to his teaching by his shapesmith in the use of weights, exercise and the practice of other manly pursuits! What a pity he did not keep it up!
A report on the Australian Broadcasting Commission's TV some months ago, during a segment on Personal Trainers told us that originally these people were called "Shapesmiths" The first recorded use of the wrod was by the then young, very healthy, strong Henry VIII (born 1491, came to English Throne 1509, died 1547) about 1515 (24yrs) when he referred to his "Shapesmith" who instructed him in the use of Weights, Exercise and other manly pursuits in the sporting arena!
Comments by wordshaper1
Wordshaper1 commented on the word shapesmith
According to the Australian Broadcasting Commission on one of their TV programmes there was a discussion about the rise & rise of "Personal Trainers". It was pointed out that these people were not, as many think, a modern era phenomenon but had been around since the early 16th Century. The first recorded use of the word "Shapesmith" was during the reign of England's Henry VIII (Born 1491, became king in 1509 until his death in 1547) Henry used the word about c1515 when he was still a young, very healthy & strong man of 24, when he referred to his teaching by his shapesmith in the use of weights, exercise and the practice of other manly pursuits! What a pity he did not keep it up!
October 9, 2015
Wordshaper1 commented on the user Wordshaper1
A report on the Australian Broadcasting Commission's TV some months ago, during a segment on Personal Trainers told us that originally these people were called "Shapesmiths" The first recorded use of the wrod was by the then young, very healthy, strong Henry VIII (born 1491, came to English Throne 1509, died 1547) about 1515 (24yrs) when he referred to his "Shapesmith" who instructed him in the use of Weights, Exercise and other manly pursuits in the sporting arena!
Shame he did not keep it all up!
October 9, 2015