wordtron commented on the word wamble
“A piebald clown came wambling in to meet me, struck his hand on his foolish heart, and fell flat in the tan. Love at first sight.”
—Walter de la Mare, Memoirs of a Midget
June 9, 2009
wordtron commented on the word miggle-maggle
“Not a walkable walk, nor the trace of a border; and was there ever such a miggle-maggle of weeds!”—Walter de la Mare, Memoirs of a Midget
Comments by wordtron
wordtron commented on the word wamble
“A piebald clown came wambling in to meet me, struck his hand on his foolish heart, and fell flat in the tan. Love at first sight.”
—Walter de la Mare, Memoirs of a Midget
June 9, 2009
wordtron commented on the word miggle-maggle
“Not a walkable walk, nor the trace of a border; and was there ever such a miggle-maggle of weeds!”—Walter de la Mare, Memoirs of a Midget
June 9, 2009