IMPERT: (Defn by Erin McKean.) A person who makes valuable contributions in a field of knowledge despite lacking formal training or professional connections in that field. The impert's contributions typically diverge from conventional styles, thinking, or theories.
Thanks to Erin McKean for her help with the definition for my neologism "Impert." A person who makes valuable contributions in a field of knowledge despite lacking formal training or professional connections in that field. The impert's contributions typically diverge from conventional styles, thinking, or theories of experts.
Comments by wsolberg
wsolberg commented on the user wsolberg
IMPERT: (Defn by Erin McKean.) A person who makes valuable contributions in a field of knowledge despite lacking formal training or professional connections in that field. The impert's contributions typically diverge from conventional styles, thinking, or theories.
March 5, 2015
wsolberg commented on the word neologism
Thanks to Erin McKean for her help with the definition for my neologism "Impert." A person who makes valuable contributions in a field of knowledge despite lacking formal training or professional connections in that field. The impert's contributions typically diverge from conventional styles, thinking, or theories of experts.
December 11, 2012