The etymology of the word fib could be a slang abbreviation of the word amphiboly, pronounced (am - fib - o - lee). Amphiboly arises from the ancient Greek word amphibolia so it is certainly an origin older than the etymolgies given on Wordnik now.
Greek Mythology: The giant slain by Hercules. He was invincible when in contact with the earth. Hercules was able to crush him after lifting him into the air.
The antaean capabilities of geothermal power plants could be exploited to a much higher degree in the United States of America in order to achieve energy independence.
Merriam-Webster's dictionary says this word began common usage in 1782 and has the synonym of 'mammoth.' According to them it can also mean simply possessing superhuman strength.
Antaeus was an African giant, the son of Poseidon and Gaea, who was invincible while touching the ground, but was lifted into the air by Hercules and crushed.
antaean (an-te'-upsidedown en): possessed of superhuman strength with suggestions of earthiness; marked by strength derived from the earth. (adj.)
Antaeus was an African giant, the son of Poseidon and Gaea, who was invincible while touching the ground, but was lifted into the air by Hercules and crushed.
example sentences:
1.) The hapless flood victims harbored the antaean hope that they were safe as long as they remained in their homes, but the rushing waters exhumed the foundations of their homes and swept them away.
2.) The artist portrayed the peasant leader like an antaean figure gaining strength from his contact with the land.
3.) Even if they are able to purchase other land in India, the Maldivian peoples' antaean resolve and patriotism may be irrevocably lost if their island nation is submerged due to global warming.
Comments by wxv6
wxv6 commented on the word fib
The etymology of the word fib could be a slang abbreviation of the word amphiboly, pronounced (am - fib - o - lee). Amphiboly arises from the ancient Greek word amphibolia so it is certainly an origin older than the etymolgies given on Wordnik now.
January 5, 2010
wxv6 commented on the word antaeus
Greek Mythology: The giant slain by Hercules. He was invincible when in contact with the earth. Hercules was able to crush him after lifting him into the air.
July 23, 2009
wxv6 commented on the word antaean
Example sentence:
The antaean capabilities of geothermal power plants could be exploited to a much higher degree in the United States of America in order to achieve energy independence.
July 19, 2009
wxv6 commented on the word antaean
Merriam-Webster's dictionary says this word began common usage in 1782 and has the synonym of 'mammoth.' According to them it can also mean simply possessing superhuman strength.
July 19, 2009
wxv6 commented on the word antaean
Antaeus was an African giant, the son of Poseidon and Gaea, who was invincible while touching the ground, but was lifted into the air by Hercules and crushed.
July 19, 2009
wxv6 commented on the word antaean
antaean (an-te'-upsidedown en): possessed of superhuman strength with suggestions of earthiness; marked by strength derived from the earth. (adj.)
Antaeus was an African giant, the son of Poseidon and Gaea, who was invincible while touching the ground, but was lifted into the air by Hercules and crushed.
example sentences:
1.) The hapless flood victims harbored the antaean hope that they were safe as long as they remained in their homes, but the rushing waters exhumed the foundations of their homes and swept them away.
2.) The artist portrayed the peasant leader like an antaean figure gaining strength from his contact with the land.
3.) Even if they are able to purchase other land in India, the Maldivian peoples' antaean resolve and patriotism may be irrevocably lost if their island nation is submerged due to global warming.
July 19, 2009