It essentially means pattern within pattern. For example an advertisement shows a lady holding a pack, on which the picture of same lady holding the pack appears. Theoritically, the pattern within pattern occurs infinitely. But practically, the visibility is limited by image resolution. Altrenately - a process may contain some phases (say conceptualization, planning, execution etc). But in each of these phases, the above phases may again be present till ad infinitum. Figuratively it means a pattern (say traingles) may contain same patteren - and this process may continue ad infinitum
Comments by yaganti
yaganti commented on the word fractals
It essentially means pattern within pattern. For example an advertisement shows a lady holding a pack, on which the picture of same lady holding the pack appears. Theoritically, the pattern within pattern occurs infinitely. But practically, the visibility is limited by image resolution. Altrenately - a process may contain some phases (say conceptualization, planning, execution etc). But in each of these phases, the above phases may again be present till ad infinitum. Figuratively it means a pattern (say traingles) may contain same patteren - and this process may continue ad infinitum
August 7, 2009