A fictitious species of humanoid alien from the sci-fi programme "Doctor Who". They have bald, wrinkly heads and a mouth with red squid-like tentacles coming from it. They have three brains: one in the internal cranal cavity, another hind-brain held in their hand and a third giant Ood Brain that maintains the psychic connection shared by all Ood.
A name given to a pupil of Warminster School, Warminster, Wiltshire, United Kingdom.
e.g. "the Old Verlucians were in the marquee for the Summer Ball" meaning:"The former pupils of Warminster School were in the marquee for the Summer Ball"
Comments by yarnstew
yarnstew commented on the word Ood
A fictitious species of humanoid alien from the sci-fi programme "Doctor Who". They have bald, wrinkly heads and a mouth with red squid-like tentacles coming from it. They have three brains: one in the internal cranal cavity, another hind-brain held in their hand and a third giant Ood Brain that maintains the psychic connection shared by all Ood.
October 26, 2012
yarnstew commented on the word Verlucian
A name given to a pupil of Warminster School, Warminster, Wiltshire, United Kingdom.
e.g. "the Old Verlucians were in the marquee for the Summer Ball" meaning:"The former pupils of Warminster School were in the marquee for the Summer Ball"
October 26, 2012