As, indeed, the term "settler" is most usually employed in a pejorative sense, meaning one who is foreign and does not belong, my noun for a Jewish resident in Judea and Samaria, portions of the Jewish national homeland not under Israel's political sovereignty is "revenant", an adoption of the French revenir which means to return after a long absence. Oh, and a "settlement" is just but a "community", or a "town", a "village", a "city".
Comments by ymedad
ymedad commented on the word settler
As, indeed, the term "settler" is most usually employed in a pejorative sense, meaning one who is foreign and does not belong, my noun for a Jewish resident in Judea and Samaria, portions of the Jewish national homeland not under Israel's political sovereignty is "revenant", an adoption of the French revenir which means to return after a long absence. Oh, and a "settlement" is just but a "community", or a "town", a "village", a "city".
December 21, 2009