These are not my own creations. These are from books I've read or things I've heard. I try to credit the author of the book I got it from, as long as wordie isn't going all 505 or broken on me.
Excellent examination of the lunatic fringe section which has insisted on a Hollow Earth since at least Halley's time. I also got this book because I'm convinced LOST is using a Hollow Earth as its "secret".
From Hollow Earth by David Standish. He was discussing the Shaver Mysteries. Richard Shaver who wrote fantastical stories because he was touched in the head.
He was referencing the fun ideas of how the Earth cooled and created land/water. At least that's what I think he was discussing at the time. I find these little phrases I love and write them down. I apologize for not getting back in here very often. I don't have a ton of net access at the office.
Comments by zoom
zoom commented on the list books-2008
Thought I knew what bipolar was. Didn't have a clue.
March 30, 2008
zoom commented on the list phrases-4
These are not my own creations. These are from books I've read or things I've heard. I try to credit the author of the book I got it from, as long as wordie isn't going all 505 or broken on me.
March 13, 2008
zoom commented on the word the tipping point - how little things can make a big difference - by malcolm gladwell
Very interesting. The magic number 150 is especially stickie to me. Now.
March 11, 2008
zoom commented on the word ...looking as wise as a tree full ow owls.
From "The Sound of No Hands Clapping" by Toby Young. P. 81. Maybe I just haven't heard this used before, but it made me chuckle.
February 17, 2008
zoom commented on the word nerve shredding
From "The Sound of No Hands Clapping" by Toby Young. P. 251. I like this instead of "nerve racking".
February 17, 2008
zoom commented on the word the sound of no hands clapping - by toby young
Not sure how I feel about this book yet.
February 17, 2008
zoom commented on the word tablet
When used as in "pill"
February 4, 2008
zoom commented on the word my boring ass-life by kevin smith
Honest, funny, revealing.
February 4, 2008
zoom commented on the list books-2008
Excellent examination of the lunatic fringe section which has insisted on a Hollow Earth since at least Halley's time. I also got this book because I'm convinced LOST is using a Hollow Earth as its "secret".
February 4, 2008
zoom commented on the word cartographical necropolis of brave futility
From Hollow Earth by David Standish. Or, as my mother would say - a quaint description of my past relationships.
February 2, 2008
zoom commented on the word mutant appeal
From Hollow Earth by David Standish.
February 2, 2008
zoom commented on the word cahoots
I'm not greedy. When it comes to cahoots. One is fine.
February 2, 2008
zoom commented on the word scary old wine in new bottles.
From Hollow Earth by David Standish. He was discussing the Shaver Mysteries. Richard Shaver who wrote fantastical stories because he was touched in the head.
February 2, 2008
zoom commented on the user zoom
No Mazda for me!! Chevy Silverado. Husband nicked me Zoom because I can't sit still and I'm often buzzing around for no reason.
February 2, 2008
zoom commented on the word global parfait
He was referencing the fun ideas of how the Earth cooled and created land/water. At least that's what I think he was discussing at the time. I find these little phrases I love and write them down. I apologize for not getting back in here very often. I don't have a ton of net access at the office.
February 2, 2008
zoom commented on the word charmingly delusional
From "Hollow Earth" by David Standish
January 16, 2008
zoom commented on the word ...little too corned up at the tavern.
From "Hollow Earth" by David Standish
January 16, 2008
zoom commented on the word global parfait
From "Hollow Earth" by David Standish
January 16, 2008
zoom commented on the list zoom-s-words
Words I like.
January 16, 2008
zoom commented on the list phrases-4
Those I've read or heard or said.
January 7, 2008