"I expect any Teaper who criticizes another Teaper to immediately present a CRYSTAL clear reason. Anyone who choses not to attend a for-profit event, or a too high priced event, fine. But… why would you criticize? For me, the criticism of the Tea Party Nation is far to vague."
repsac3 commented on the word Teaper
First seen (by me, anyway) in the following blog post comment:
Gateway Pundit: Eric Odom on Tea Party Nation Organizers: They Don’t Know What’s Going On & Haven’t From Day One:
"I expect any Teaper who criticizes another Teaper to immediately present a CRYSTAL clear reason. Anyone who choses not to attend a for-profit event, or a too high priced event, fine. But… why would you criticize? For me, the criticism of the Tea Party Nation is far to vague."
February 1, 2010