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  • I'm also not middle-class, black, latina, Muslim, Canadian, white American (in the sense that yes, I am fairly amelanistic and chiefly though not entirely of European descent, but my cultural upbringing has very little in common with that of your average WASP) ...

    i should have read your letters kenscholes 2009

  • I bought my first snake -- an amelanistic cornsake whom I named Eve -- this past winter and I absolutely recommend it.

    mrissa: Definitely not slimy mrissa 2010

  • Similarly, when you hear antonyms such as apolitical, nonpartisan, bipartisan, or even the new and truly ludicrous post-partisan, your heart thrills with warmth and affection, just as it would if you were a racist and you heard the words Nordic, Anglo-Saxon, or amelanistic.

    You Already Hate Democracy « Isegoria 2008


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  • is a pigmentation abnormality characterized by the lack of pigments called melanins, commonly associated with a genetic loss of tyrosinase function. Amelanism can affect fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals including humans.

    July 7, 2018

  • "Amelanistic" means no melanin.

    July 20, 2024