
from The Century Dictionary.

  • See cale.
  • noun A ninepin; in the plural, the game of ninepins.


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  • Yes | No | Report from Kentucky Hunter wrote 2 weeks 12 hours ago well i have played paint ball for about 12 years now and i will asure you the paint ball gun will give out long before the 50 cail will even with the best up keep

    I'm in a rut. I'm underage, so moneys tight. 2010

  • RiflesQ: looking for reload info for nosler 115 Gr. Spitzer blastic-tip 25cail - 25-06 using H4831 and IMR 4831 powder. also thanks everyone for the info on the 25 cail sst hornady loads everthing worked great cant wait to get the new hornady 7th edit book in i ordered. being snowed in i thought i would try a few nosler loads this week from Kentucky Hunter on 02.11.10

    The Tent People 2009

  • Yes | No | Report from Kentucky Hunter wrote 2 weeks 12 hours ago well i have played paint ball for about 12 years now and i will asure you the paint ball gun will give out long before the 50 cail will even with the best up keep

    I'm in a rut. I'm underage, so moneys tight. 2010

  • RiflesQ: looking for reload info for nosler 115 Gr. Spitzer blastic-tip 25cail - 25-06 using H4831 and IMR 4831 powder. also thanks everyone for the info on the 25 cail sst hornady loads everthing worked great cant wait to get the new hornady 7th edit book in i ordered. being snowed in i thought i would try a few nosler loads this week from Kentucky Hunter on 02.11.10

    Deer: Hang Time 2006

  • RiflesQ: looking for reload info for nosler 115 Gr. Spitzer blastic-tip 25cail - 25-06 using H4831 and IMR 4831 powder. also thanks everyone for the info on the 25 cail sst hornady loads everthing worked great cant wait to get the new hornady 7th edit book in i ordered. being snowed in i thought i would try a few nosler loads this week from Kentucky Hunter on 02.11.10

    The Father of 100 Million Rifles 2006

  • Also, wanted to tell you that Google App Engine is down on iPhone for couple of days and was expecting an article on that one … reply cail

    Facebook Remains Stubbornly Proud Of Position On Holocaust Denial Michael Arrington 2005

  • I find Facebook much better than google in terms of treating users … reply cail

    Facebook “Definitely” Raising Capital This Year; Google Considered Acquisition Michael Arrington 2005

  • Who that he might the better get all the superiority into his owne hands put to death so many sonnes and nephewes of the former Dukes as he could lay hold on, and began to take vpon him the title of the great Duke of Vvlodimiria, Moscouia, and Nouogardia, and to cail himself the

    The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation 2003

  • Why don't you hear, you sleepy dog, the cail: 'To ar-ums', sound?

    Patrick Sheehan 1997

  • Ah Cuat Cocom; cu kuchulob, ca yalah ti Naun Pech bicil ma yilahi maix yabahi ca yalah bicil ti binan tu Chicħen Ytzae tuzebal tal ci tu cail tumen Ahpechob, ca kuchob Manil kube u cħasahob tusebal u yalci Ah Cocom ma yilah bal uch tu cahal caix ɔab u chucil ti cabin u chucob mac u beltahlobe.

    The Maya Chronicles Brinton's Library Of Aboriginal American Literature, Number 1 Various 1868


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