from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
- noun A device for drawing corks from bottles, consisting of a pointed metal spiral attached to a handle.
- adjective Spiral in shape.
- intransitive & transitive verb To move or cause to move in a spiral or winding course.
from The Century Dictionary.
- To cause to move like a corkscrew; direct or follow out in a spiral or twisting way.
- noun A geared logging-locomotive.
- noun A tool consisting of a helicoidal piece or “screw” of steel, with a sharp point and a transverse handle, used to draw corks from bottles.
- Having the form of a corkscrew; spiral: as, a corkscrew curl.
from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.
- transitive verb colloq. To press forward in a winding way.
- adjective shaped like a corkscrew; spiral; helical.
- adjective a spiral staircase around a solid newel.
- noun An instrument with a screw or a steel spiral for drawing corks from bottles.
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
- noun An implement for
opening bottles that are sealed by acork . Sometimes specifically such an implement that includes a screw-shaped part, orworm . - noun The screw-shaped
worm of a typical corkscrew. - noun boxing, martial arts A type of sharp,
twisting punch , often one thrown close and from the side. - noun amusement rides A type of
inversion used inroller coasters . - adjective Having the tightly
winding shape of a corkscrew. - verb intransitive To
wind ortwist in the manner of a corkscrew; to move with muchhorizontal andvertical shifting. - verb transitive To cause something to
twist or move in aspiral path or shape. - verb To
extract information orconsent from someone.
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
- noun a bottle opener that pulls corks
- verb move in a spiral or zigzag course
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
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"It's what we call a corkscrew lie down here," I explained.
The Holiday Round 1919
"It's what we call a corkscrew lie down here," I explained.
Happy Days 1919
If you want to splurge on a handsome gift, a corkscrew is a stately way to go.
A Year of Wine Tyler Colman 2008
If you want to splurge on a handsome gift, a corkscrew is a stately way to go.
A Year of Wine Tyler Colman 2008
Tirabuzón is a word for corkscrew, which is sort of what Fernando's Sunday pitch, his screwball, looks like to National Baseball League batters as it twists and dips.
The Music of Mexico 2006
Tirabuzón is a word for corkscrew, which is sort of what Fernando's Sunday pitch, his screwball, looks like to National Baseball League batters as it twists and dips.
The Music of Mexico 2006
They stay at a relatively high altitude, then bank hard and come down in what's called a corkscrew landing.
A corkscrew is a familiar illustration of the screw.
General Science Bertha M. Clark
The thing which might have been mistaken for a tricycle turned upside-down was the inexpressibly important instrument to which the corkscrew was the key.
Ballyvaughan called the corkscrew (you can guess why) and drove and drove and drove, and then Car 1 turned around, and we followed and Car 3 followed us. TravelStream? ? Recent Entries at 2010
chained_bear commented on the word corkscrew
See spiral staircase; another term is turnpike.
August 27, 2008
sionnach commented on the word corkscrew
It's a sacacorchos!
August 27, 2008
chained_bear commented on the word corkscrew
I think I found the first word that could go on both the Compounds That Look Freakish and Compounds Entirely Pedestrian lists.
August 27, 2008
vanishedone commented on the word corkscrew
Corkscrews look like this. If you're a very lucky owner.
January 30, 2009