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She's the biggest phony "crunt" ever, that's about all the TEA BAGS have in their Nazi party. a bunch of radical no nothing pupperts for
Ah well, for the time being I have a corner on the fluck/crunt market!
It's odd that there's no mention of the story on the internet; before posting I googled "fluck" and "crunt" and got only a couple of irrelevant pages.
Suddenly the teabaggers forced the repugnaticans to go for this absolute wack job nasty crunt and every time she spews more vile crap from her mouth Reids numbers go up.
Queerty 2010
New Hampshire House Says Screw-The-F Off To Gay Marriage Amendment Ban In 201-135 Vote terrwill says: I hope this miserable, vile, hateful, crunt develops a lifelong raging yeast ...
Queerty editor 2010
New Hampshire House Says Screw-The-F Off To Gay Marriage Amendment Ban In 201-135 Vote terrwill says: I hope this miserable, vile, hateful, crunt develops a lifelong raging yeast ...
Queerty editor 2010
New Hampshire House Says Screw-The-F Off To Gay Marriage Amendment Ban In 201-135 Vote terrwill says: I hope this miserable, vile, hateful, crunt develops a lifelong raging yeast ...
Queerty editor 2010
No. 1 · Same Crap: Please don't ever remind me of my 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Talon: -/She was such a miserable old crunt she freakin hated kids!!
Queerty 2009
Convenienter his, quae ad Lunaticum perti - nent examinanda crunt.
Opera omnia sanctorum patrum graecorum: graece et latine 1787
NequeJBryi genus, adquodplu - ■ rimae fpecies, quasMniis fubiicerc volu - crunt auSores, a me translataefunt, iftis jufto magis oneratur, fedoccupantpotius loca, quac ob manifeftum perichaetium huic ereptac Hjpnisjue rcddidac ipecies vacua rcliquerunt.
Spicilegium florae Goettingensis: plantas inprimis cryptogamicas Hercyniae ... 1778
whatever1013 commented on the word crunt
from a joke: What do you call a crabby old woman?
December 16, 2006