
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dangle.


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  • A rehab coin dangles from the rear-view mirror of his hoopty on an afternoon cruise by his home — the one his aunt left him.

    Breaking Bad Recap: Episode 2 “Caballo Sin Nombre” is Set to the Sounds of America | /Film 2010

  • In a sequence that vaguely evokes a Rube Goldberg machine, a male figure dangles from a rope ladder to deposit a glass ball in a rickety vertical pipe.

    Creative Cirko De Mente evokes . . . well, it's hard to say Celia Wren 2010

  • A medallion of Frida Kahlo dangles from the rear view mirror, swaying to the rhythm of the road, a well-worn notebook bears one of her many visages, this one a severe self-portrait during her tumultuous Mexico City sojourns, and we even have a number of paper matchbooks displaying yet another image of her mercurial persona.

    Nogales, here we come 2008

  • A medallion of Frida Kahlo dangles from the rear view mirror, swaying to the rhythm of the road, a well-worn notebook bears one of her many visages, this one a severe self-portrait during her tumultuous Mexico City sojourns, and we even have a number of paper matchbooks displaying yet another image of her mercurial persona.

    Nogales, here we come 2008

  • An AFM works somewhat like a miniaturized phonograph needle: a tiny tip dangles from a cantilever above a surface that's being studied.

    Health News from Medical News Today 2009

  • Since he suspected the agents were "dangles" - already secretly working for the Soviets as double agents-Ames didn't think that he was betraying much.

    How Ames Fooled The Cia 2008

  • In fact, I have another one to use in a later piece - only the dangles are the other way around, with the large one on the right side.

    July Arch katelnorth 2008

  • On the way out, Carter puts on the hat and the price tag dangles down against his temple.

    A Documentary About Sharks 2010

  • These job 'dangles' are not just bad form, they have the potential to drag many Democrats into an unnecessary scandal.

    Wade Norris: Whose White House? Obama's or Rahm's? 2010

  • Not only has Obama endorsed Lincoln, Specter, and Bennet, without letting the primary voters weigh in, the White House has also been offering back door job 'dangles' to Sestak and Romanoff.

    Wade Norris: Whose White House? Obama's or Rahm's? 2010


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  • A fun-loving, feeble-minded, senile pony who forgets everything while constantly uttering awkward, inappropriate idioms and malaprops. One time Dangles ran for cloud-president but was swiftly defeated by the far more elequent opposition, Happyglow. When Dangles remembers, he is a rather skilled fecal artist.

    August 9, 2008

  • For a musical interlude see dangle-money.

    May 27, 2024

  • whichbe's definition reminds me of at least two US presidential candidates :-/

    May 27, 2024

  • I misread dangle-money as dangle-monkey.

    May 28, 2024