
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun One who loves another, especially one who is involved in a romantic or sexual relationship with another.
  • noun A couple who are in love with each other.
  • noun One who is fond of or devoted to something.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • An obsolete comparative of lief.
  • noun An obsolete form of louver.
  • noun One who loves; one who has a feeling of love or earnest liking for any person or thing; a zealous admirer: as, a lover of good men or of Christianity; a lover of books or of science; a lover of wine.
  • noun Specifically, one who is enamored; a person in love: now used in the singular almost exclusively of the man, though formerly also of the woman, while the plural is still commonly used of both: as, a lover and his sweetheart; a pair of lovers.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun obsolete See louver.
  • noun One who loves; one who is in love; -- usually limited, in the singular, to a person of the male sex.
  • noun A friend; one strongly attached to another; one who greatly desires the welfare of any person or thing.
  • noun One who has a strong liking for anything, as books, science, or music.
  • noun One who is involved in a sexual relationship with another

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A person who deeply and strongly loves and cares for another person in a romantic way, a sweetheart, love, soul-mate, boyfriend, or girlfriend.
  • noun A sexual partner.
  • noun A person who truly and deeply loves something; connoisseur.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a person who loves someone or is loved by someone
  • noun a significant other to whom you are not related by marriage
  • noun an ardent follower and admirer


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Middle English lover, lovyere, derivative of loven, lovien ("to love"), equivalent to love +‎ -er.


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  • My heart, my hips, my body, my love

    Trying to find a part of me that you didn't touch

    Gave up on me like I was a bad drug

    Now I'm searching for signs in a haunted club

    Our songs, our films, united we stand

    Our country, guess it was a lawless land

    Quiet my fears with the touch of your hand

    Paper cut stings from our paper thin plans

    My time, my wine, my spirit, my trust

    Trying to find a part of me you didn't take up

    Gave you too much but it wasn't enough

    But I'll be all right, it's just a thousand cuts

    May 21, 2024