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  • Whereas by dint of his experience, Sri Aurobindo holds out a phenomenological metaphysics relating a mental experience of time to a modality of consciousness based in omnitemporality, the reification of such an articulation, erasing the phenomenology and capturing the metaphysics as orthodoxy is a most predicatble outcome and infinitely dangerous due the very totalistic basis of its realization.

    Pre-modern symbol systems fossilize into ideology in Modern Age of plurality Tusar N Mohapatra 2009

  • Whereas by dint of his experience, Sri Aurobindo holds out a phenomenological metaphysics relating a mental experience of time to a modality of consciousness based in omnitemporality, the reification of such an articulation, erasing the phenomenology and capturing the metaphysics as orthodoxy is a most predicatble outcome and infinitely dangerous due the very totalistic basis of its realization.

    Archive 2009-06-01 Tusar N Mohapatra 2009

  • (4L) Necessarily, if yesterday it was true that S, then now it is true that S. [omnitemporality of truth] (5L) If p is now-necessary, and necessarily (if p then q), then q is now-necessary.

    Foreknowledge and Free Will Zagzebski, Linda 2008

  • I enjoy the majority’s use of “omnitemporality” (fn5).

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Interesting SCOTUS Line-Up 2010

  • I enjoy the majority’s use of “omnitemporality” fn5.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Interesting SCOTUS Line-Up 2010


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