from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
- noun Any of various deep-bodied marine food fishes of the family Sparidae, especially Pagrus pagrus of Mediterranean and Atlantic waters.
- noun Any of various similar fishes.
from The Century Dictionary.
- noun One of several different fishes.
- noun A scaroid fish, Scarus radians.
- noun Same as
white perch (which see, underperch ).
from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.
- noun The scup.
- noun The sailor's choice, or pinfish.
- noun The margate fish.
- noun The spadefish.
- noun Any one of several species of embiotocoids, or surf fishes, of the Pacific coast. The name is also given locally to several other fishes, as the bur fish.
- noun (Zoöl.) Any one of numerous sparoid food fishes, as the jolthead
porgy , the sheepsheadporgy (Calamus penna ) of the West Indies, the grassporgy (Calamus arctifrons ) of Florida, and the redporgy (Pagrus pagrus ) of Europe.
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
- noun Any of several
fish of the familySparidae ; thesea bream orscup
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
- noun lean flesh of fish found in warm waters of southern Atlantic coast of the United States
- noun important deep-bodied food and sport fish of warm and tropical coastal waters; found worldwide
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
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July 27th, 2006 at 1: 03 pm bs says: btw, gorgy porgy is chasing ‘terrorists’ all over the world, right? well, we are to. they just so happen to be in our backyard.
Think Progress » VIDEO: Protester Disrupts Bolton Hearing 2006
The red snapper ($13) is strictly for high-rollers, while the so-called porgy sandwich ($8) is a small specimen, just the right size for one person, and the clerk at the cash register may or may not remember to throw a couple of slices of bread in the paper basket when he calls your number.
Susie Dent: There was 'porgies' for seven - a porgy is a small fish.
Archive 2006-08-01 annawaits 2006
Susie Dent: There was 'porgies' for seven - a porgy is a small fish.
In Praise of.... Des Lynam annawaits 2006
Yes | No | Report from TheEasternShore ... wrote 50 weeks 5 days ago love to fish for porgy and blues and stripers in the surf. also have been offshore fishing really exciting
Yes | No | Report from TheEasternShore ... wrote 50 weeks 5 days ago love to fish for porgy and blues and stripers in the surf. also have been offshore fishing really exciting
My Dad was a Southerner so his favorite Sunday breakfast always included some fried fish (whiting, porgy, Virginia spot or croaker), with grits, scrambled eggs and cheese and corn bread.
Five People Born on January 21 babyface nelson, birthdays, cinderella man, cleveland browns, elian gonzalez, Ira gershwin, James J. Braddock, otto graham, porgy and bess
I will use their fake squid bait for fishing for porgy.
Gulp! Gulping? 2009
I will use their fake squid bait for fishing for porgy.
Gulp! Gulping? 2009
yarb commented on the word porgy
"I Loves You, Porgy" - Billie Holiday.
February 9, 2008