
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • transitive verb To announce officially and publicly; declare: synonym: announce.
  • transitive verb To state emphatically or authoritatively; affirm.
  • transitive verb To indicate conspicuously; make plain.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A calling or crying out; proclamation.
  • To make known by public announcement; promulgate; announce; publish.
  • To make announcement concerning; publish; advertise, as by herald or crier: said of persons.
  • To apply prohibition to by a proclamation.
  • Synonyms Declare, Publish, Announce, Proclaim, etc. (see announce), blaze abroad, trumpet, blazon.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • transitive verb To make known by public announcement; to give wide publicity to; to publish abroad; to promulgate; to declare.
  • transitive verb To outlaw by public proclamation.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb To excitedly, verbosely and candidly describe.
  • verb To announce or declare.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • verb affirm or declare as an attribute or quality of
  • verb declare formally; declare someone to be something; of titles
  • verb state or announce
  • verb praise, glorify, or honor


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Middle English proclamen, proclaimen (influenced by claimen, to claim), from Old French proclamer, from Latin prōclāmāre : prō-, forward; see pro– + clāmāre, to cry out; see kelə- in Indo-European roots.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Borrowed from Latin proclamare, from pro- ("forth") + clamare ("to shout, cry out").


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  • Due to the fact we have a politician running for president, that many proclaim is a Hero, makes me want to meet this former Navy pilot. and compare my 242 combat missions to his supposedly two before being shot down.

    Heroes or Villains? 2010

  • SYRACUSE — Tucked into his wallet, Republican Senate candidate Joe DioGuardi keeps a worn voting card from his time in Congress that he likes to whip out and proclaim is "the most expensive credit card in the world."

    A War Horse Thinks His Time Has Come Devlin Barrett 2010

  • You gave YOUR definition which you proclaim is THE agreed upon definition.

    Beckwith on ID 2008

  • You gave YOUR definition which you proclaim is THE agreed upon definition.

    Beckwith on ID 2008

  • Filkins shows us that black and white ideologies – political, moral or otherwise – may be easy to stand by in our comfortable, peaceful world, but they become much harder to proclaim from the other side of the world, in the grey heart of war.

    The Forever War: Summary and book reviews of The Forever War by Dexter Filkins. 2008

  • So the haters can instantly, and once again proclaim this film a complete disaster and doomed to failure, while the fans can start digging around and find anything that can pin him to the possibility of being a great choice, and I think that hope lies firmly in his advertisement work and in his mastery of technology and animation.

    Filmstalker: Halo gains unknown Director 2006

  • If you ever breathe a word, drop a hint, look a look that will tell him or any one else about me, I 'll – yes, as sure as my name is Mary Milton – I' ll proclaim from the housetops that you like

    An Old-Fashioned Girl 1950

  • The principle of the divine right o f kings having been utterly destroyed by the events of this war, they still proclaim from the house-top the divine right of States to have their way and to do their will regardless of the rights and interests of other States.

    Certain Features of the Paris Constitution 1919

  • Now is the time for those who claim the country is ruined by a ring to remove some of its links, especially the key and padlock, and by doing so once again proclaim liberty, and prove to the people that the "shoot without trial law" really did some good.

    Six Months in Mexico 1888

  • Instead, what many of today’s self-proclaimed “conservatives” proclaim is an ideology borrowed from what Donald Rumsfeld famously dismissed as “old Europe.”

    Think Progress » Anti-Union CPAC Being Serviced By ‘Terrific’ Union Employees 2010


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  • proCLAiM. Clam as in clam up, be silent.

    May 13, 2008